The neurologist came in to say that the final report is in and there was no stroke. We are very grateful and relieved. Philip is very agitated, he is weak and unable to get into a comfortable position. I sit with him, talk with him, and rub his arms and legs. It gives him minimal reassurance so they give him anti anxiety medication. The problem is that it can slow up his breathing. The doctors told me today that it is dangerous for him to have too much medication or he may end up on a ventilator. I think that is the physician’s way of advising us of all possibilities. His kidneys are not doing well so they sent in another set of specialists. We are taking it one step at a time, as we work at getting Philip well.

One Comment:

  1. hi ran —
    i just got home from the airport. not sure what happened to my phone when we were talking from the airport in san diego and it hasn’t worked since.
    i’m sending you ALL of my love!! i will talk to you tomorrow. please give flipper a kiss from me and huge hugs for you both.
    love you my friend — robbin

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