Back at the ER…Philip woke with terrible pain in his knees this morning and was unable to move around. We tried heat and then ice and just hoped it would …
Back at the ER…Philip woke with terrible pain in his knees this morning and was unable to move around. We tried heat and then ice and just hoped it would …
Acupuncture really gives Philip a lift. He leaves the office more energized and that certainly helps him emotionally. His legs look a bit better, but there is a long way …
It was suggested to us that we get him acupuncture for the swelling and oozing. We were able to get him acupuncture last week and again tomorrow. His legs are …
We have been given a contact person at UNC. She is called our Liver Transplant Coordinator. She helps to guide us through the liver transplant evaluation process with the goal …
Philip had a good day. We were able to get out and run a few errands. It is always fun for both of us when we can listen to lively …
We are home, the swelling remains and the oozing of fluid from his leg continues. They did an ultrasound of both legs to confirm that he does not have a …
no… this is not a practical joke! Phil is back in the ER! Randy & Shelly had to take him to the ER this evening because Phil’s legs got really …
Sleeping on our own beds last night felt really good. Just before we were about to go to sleep Thursday night a small amount of blood came out of Philip’s …
Philip is out of the hospital with no signs of internal bleeding. What a relief! We had our appointment with the Nutritionist today. A month ago Philip was put on …
Philip is fine, the procedure went well and we are feeling very blessed. Rick was our nurse today and he was wonderful. He was able to get an IV going …
It has been an exhausting day. We began early so that we could be at the hospital for a bone density test. It was no big deal and them off …
Randy, My heart and thoughts are with you and Shelly and dear Phil as you begin this life-saving journey together. May G-d grant Philip a sweet and healthy year… and …
Today we are off to UNC and we have to organize medication, food, and lodging for the week. This trip includes 7 different appointments so far with 7 different specialists …
What cause for celebration!! Our blog is finally up and running!! We have been waiting for this day a very long time! Dear friends, family and fellow bloggers, please visit …