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  • WHO Warns of Rising Tuberculosis Cases Amid Cuts to Funding From US
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Experts say a rise in TB cases in Europe could mean a future surge in cases in the United States. AscentXmedia/Getty Images The WHO reports that the number of tuberculosis cases in children is rising in Europe. The health officials add that the treatment success rate for the disease is also well below target goals. Experts say a rise in TB cases in Europe could mean a future surge in cases in the United States. A new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows rising tuberculosis rates among children in Europe. On March 24, the WHO announced a 10% increase in new or relapsed tuberculosis cases in children under 15 years of age in the agency’s European Region, which covers Europe and Central Asia. There were 7,500 TB cases recorded in 2023, including more than 2,400 in children under the age of 5, who have higher risks of serious illness or death from the disease. Childhood cases now account for more than 4% of all people with new or relapsed tuberculosis cases in the European Region. Overall, WHO officials said more than 172,000 people in the European Region were reported to have new or relapsed tuberculosis in 2023, similar to 2022 levels. The death rate from tuberculosis declined, but officials said the decrease was at a smaller rate than seen before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. WHO officials noted the treatment success rate among people with new or relapsed tuberculosis was about 75% in the European Region. They said that figure is well below the 90% success rate set by global targets. In addition, WHO officials said they are concerned about emerging multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB). They said the treatment success rate in the region for those strains is less than 60%. They noted several challenges in reversing the trend in tuberculosis cases. These challenges include delays in diagnosis, the need for more effective treatments, and insufficient access to current treatments. These issues are escalating as funding for international aid is being reduced. The United States, for example, has contributed between $163 million and $816 million annually to WHO in the past decade. In January, the Trump administration announced that the U.S. would withdraw from the WHO and halt funding. In the face of these obstacles, WHO leaders are urging European and global leaders to scale up efforts to detect and treat people with tuberculosis (TB). “Ending TB is not a dream. It’s a choice. Sadly, the current TB burden and the worrying rise in children with TB serves as a reminder that progress against this preventable and curable disease remains fragile,” Hans Henri P. Kluge, MD, WHO’s regional director for Europe, said in a news release. Why are tuberculosis cases increasing? Health experts in the U.S. agreed with Kluge’s assessment of rising TB cases. “TB cases are rising again in Europe and elsewhere because of disruption of diagnostic and therapeutic services due to armed conflicts, COVID-related avoidance of direct medical care, and a reduction in financial support,” said William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease expert and a professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. “People have to be contacted in order to be diagnosed and, once diagnosed, must take anti-TB medicines for months in order to be cured,” Schaffner told Healthline.  “This takes trained public health workers to provide months-long education, supervision, and support of the patients.  If the public health workers are not supported, new cases will not be diagnosed or treated, and they will continue to spread TB to others.” Monica Gandhi, MD, an infectious disease specialist and a professor of medicine at the University of California San Francisco, told Healthline there are various reasons for the increase in TB cases in the European Region. “Even before these funding cuts, TB cases were rising in Europe likely because of failure to complete treatment (which be long and arduous for patients at 6 months or longer), failure to test people for TB, and the increased number of refugees coming into the country, especially from Ukraine (with a relatively higher incidence of MDR-TB),” Gandhi explained. Could TB spread to the United States? Experts say the European situation should concern people in the U.S. “Europe and the U.S. are both in what are called ‘high income’ regions and so what happens in Europe often happens in the U.S. as well,” said Gandhi. “Therefore, we should be braced for an increase in TB cases here in the United States and be screening for them going forward.” “Whatever infectious disease is ‘over there,’ it could be imported here,” added Schaffner. “The TB bacteria does not need a passport. Once here, the newly imported TB infection can spread to others in the U.S. and keep the infection going in our own population.” Jason Andrews, MD, an infectious disease specialist and a professor of medicine at Stanford University, agreed. “Because we live in such an interconnected world, failure to control TB anywhere will have effects everywhere, so we are seeing either rising cases or slowed progress in TB control in many places,” he told Healthline. “This is coming at a time when the U.S. is reducing its financial commitments to TB programs worldwide, so many TB experts are worried that things will further worsen.” The facts about tuberculosis WHO officials report that nearly 11 million people globally became ill from tuberculosis in 2023, and more than 1.2 million died from the disease that year. They estimate that tuberculosis has regained its status as the world’s leading cause of death from a single infectious agent after being replaced at the top by COVID-19 for three years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified more than 10,000 tuberculosis cases in the U.S. in 2024, a slight rise from 2023 and the fourth straight year of an increase. Tuberculosis, which was once called “consumption,” is a highly infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. The disease is spread by bacteria that is transmitted through droplets in the air that can be inhaled by anybody who is in the vicinity. “It is one of the few predominantly airborne infectious diseases, which means that an individual with TB can infect another person without close contact and without even being in the same room at the same time,” said Andrews. “So, we can’t think about TB as a problem for some specific group or in some specific place. TB is a threat to human health everywhere.” The tuberculosis bacteria can remain dormant in a person for years before symptoms arise. Those symptoms include: cough lasting more than 3 weeks coughing up blood or phlegm chest pain unexplained fatigue night sweats loss of appetite and/or weight Tuberculosis can be diagnosed with a skin test or a blood test. A chest X-ray is usually conducted on someone who tests positive for the disease. Jimmy Johannes, MD, an internist, pulmonologist, and critical care medicine specialist at MemorialCare Long Beach Medical Center in California, said tuberculosis can leave people with permanent lung damage and other after-effects. He added the disease can be particularly serious for people who are immunocompromised, particularly people living with HIV. “Tuberculosis is by no means a low-risk proposition for these people,” Johannes told Healthline. Tuberculosis may require long-term treatment People diagnosed with tuberculosis usually have to take a combination of medications for six to nine months. If a tuberculosis treatment regimen isn’t completed, the disease will likely return, perhaps in a form that is resistant to the original medications. “Tuberculosis treatments are not simple,” Johannes said. He added that even after treatment, tuberculosis remains in a person’s body. The immune system usually controls the disease in those situations but can flare up again. “At any time, it can activate,” Johannes said. “It can be a bit of a ticking time bomb inside the body.” Experts said this stubbornness and seriousness of tuberculosis is what makes it a dangerous disease, but they note it needs to be brought under control. “In the modern era, we have the accurate diagnostic tests and effective anti-TB drugs to reduce TB to a historical anecdote,” Schaffner said. “If we have the determination and provide the resources, the world’s community could achieve that goal.”

  • Males Who Skip Prostate Screenings Could Face 45% Higher Risk of Death: Study
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    A new study found that 1 in 6 males skipped all of their prostate cancer screening appointments, leading to a 45% higher risk of death from the disease. pcess609/Getty Images Men who avoided prostate cancer screening were significantly more likely to die from the disease, according to a large European trial. The reasons for ignoring screening are complex but may be related to a lack of education about the risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in males after skin cancer. Men who avoid prostate cancer screening face a significantly greater risk of dying from the disease, concludes a large European trial. Yet questions remain about why some males are hesitant to attend screenings and what can be done to encourage them. Given the opportunity to screen for prostate cancer with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, a significant number of males choose not to attend — a decision that may have serious health implications. A new analysis of the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC), the world’s largest prostate cancer screening study, has identified this “screening avoidance” as a major mortality risk factor.  The findings were presented at the European Association of Urology Congress 2025, March 21–24, in Madrid, Spain. The research has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Researchers performed a subanalysis of the massive study, which included the participation of more than 72,000 males invited for prostate cancer screening and 20 years of follow-up. The results indicate that roughly 1 in 6 males (over 12,400) skipped all of their screening appointments, leading to a 45% higher risk of death from prostate cancer compared to those who did attend their screenings. PSA testing has a long and sometimes contentious history as a screening method for prostate cancer that has led to serious debate about both its potential benefits and harms. However, newer research and other advancements in the field appear to be shifting the balance in favor of the benefits of prostate cancer screening. “There’s good evidence that it prevents deaths. But the concern has always been that the side effects create an unclear balance of benefits to harms,” Robert Smith, PhD, senior vice president of Early Cancer Detection Science at the American Cancer Society, told Healthline. Smith wasn’t involved in the study. “These findings, in a very large study with a very long-term follow-up, show a pretty dramatic benefit of screening,” he said. Prostate cancer screenings lower death risk by 23% Researchers from the Department of Urology, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute at the University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands, dubbed their analysis “The good, the bad, and the ugly,” as their findings identified benefits to PSA testing, but also significant barriers due to patient behavior. Participants, consisting of males ages 55 to 69 years old, were randomized to one of two groups: those who were invited to attend screening appointments and those who were not (the control group). Among the males invited to the screenings, a significant portion, dubbed “non-attenders,” skipped their screenings. The so-called non-attenders were significantly more likely to die from prostate cancer than those who did attend. However, the findings get even more interesting compared to the control group. Males who attended the screenings had a 23% lower risk of dying from prostate cancer compared to the control, while non-attenders had a 39% higher risk. Furthermore, the benefits of screening are also likely understated due to the study design, which analyzed the entire group invited to screen, regardless of whether they actually attended.  “Non-attenders can dilute the benefit of screening when the data is analyzed. It’s a downward drag on the outcome of those who are randomized to screening and actually show up in the first place,” said Geoffrey Sonn, MD, an associate professor of urology at Stanford Medicine who wasn’t affiliated with the research. The flip side of this is that males who decline screening have a stark increase in risk of dying from prostate cancer compared to those who attend. “This is the type of long term, randomized data that helps to put to rest the prior concerns that PSA testing may not be effective,” Jeffrey Tosoian, MD, MPH, an assistant professor of urology and director of Translational Cancer Research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told Healthline. Tosoian wasn’t involved in the study. “Ultimately, the challenge lies in translating theoretical strategies into practice in a feasible and sustainable way to reach men across different populations and cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds,” lead study author Renée  Leenen, MD, a PhD candidate in urology at Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, University Medical Center Rotterdam, Department of Urology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, told Healthline. Why do men skip prostate cancer screenings? The reasons why men might skip prostate cancer screening are complex; they also fall outside the scope of the current research. However, experts interviewed by Healthline offered a range of reasonable possibilities. “There may be something that’s just different about a person who’s involved in a trial and told to do one thing that just doesn’t come in to be seen. They may not take as good a care of themselves in general,” said Sonn. That is, males who choose to skip a screening might be  “care avoidant,” opting to forego preventive care and other healthy behaviors. Tosoian suggested that outdated or incorrect information about PSA testing could also be a factor in dissuading men from attending. “Perhaps some heard years ago that PSA screening might not be helpful, and that really stuck with them, so they’ve never really looked into it again,” he said. Leenen noted some of the most common barriers also include: Practical concerns, such as time and money to attend screening. Not understanding risks of prostate cancer. Lack of knowledge about screening (especially in younger males). 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in males after skin cancer. About 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. Globally, there are roughly 1.4 million new prostate cancer cases yearly, but according to The Lancet Commission on Prostate Cancer, that number is expected to more than double to 2.9 million cases in 2040. With cases surging, what strategies can be adopted to address the 1 in 6 males who actively choose to avoid screening? “A big component of this is education and the need for the population to understand the risk that prostate cancer poses,” said Tosoian. Although screening recommendations for prostate cancer are narrow compared to some other forms of cancer, males at average risk should consider one at age 50, and those with higher risk might consider screening as young as 40. According to Leenen, the most important factor in getting men to attend screening is the social aspect. If a friend or partner prompts a man about screening, they are more likely to investigate it. Having a loved one or family member with cancer may also encourage men to seek screening. Leenen cited education on prostate cancer risks, doctor-recommended screening, and prioritizing self-care as potentially motivating factors. “Of these, the role of partners is particularly important in men undergoing screening for prostate cancer,” Leenen said.

  • Chewing Gum Could Release Thousands of Microplastics Into Saliva, Study Finds
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Chewing gum can release hundreds to thousands of microplastics into the saliva that may be ingested, a new study found. Counter/Getty Images A new study found that chewing gum releases hundreds to thousands of microplastics for every gram of gum. Both synthetic and natural gums were found to contain microplastics. While the long-term effects of exposure to microplastics are not well understood, emerging evidence has suggested several potential health harms. Chewing gum can release hundreds to thousands of microplastics into the saliva that may be ingested. Research presented this week at the spring meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego, CA, found that, on average, 100 microplastics were released per gram of chewing gum. The research has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal. “Our goal is not to alarm anybody,” Sanjay Mohanty, PhD, the project’s principal investigator and an engineering professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), said in a press statement. “Scientists don’t know if microplastics are unsafe to us or not. There are no human trials. But we know we are exposed to plastics in everyday life, and that’s what we wanted to examine here.” Past research estimates that an individual consumes between 39,000 and 52,000 particles of microplastics annually. Microplastics are everywhere, and humans may be exposed to them through drinks, foods, plastic packaging, chopping boards, sponges, coatings on products, and the manufacturing process of items. Chewing gum is one area that hasn’t been widely researched. “My lab has done work mainly on microplastic transport in water and soil and their fate in soil. We learned different ways one can be exposed to microplastics: ingestion and inhalation,” Mohanty told Healthline. “Most of the ingestion studies related to food are [about the] contamination of food with microplastic from plastic containers (e.g., plastic water bottles, plastic tea bags), but chewing gum is the only food that is made up of plastics. Yet, most don’t know. We wanted to measure microplastics in chewing gum. This is important to estimate total microplastic exposure into the human body and any possible negative effects,” Mohanty continued. Chewing gum and microplastics exposure Chewing gum is made with flavoring, sweetener, a rubber base, and other ingredients. In chewing gums that are “natural,” a plant-based polymer, like tree sap, gives the gum chewiness. Synthetic rubber bases from a petroleum-based polymer (plastic) are used for synthetic gums. The researchers examined five types of synthetic gum along with five types of natural gum that are commercially available.   As part of the experiment, one person chewed seven pieces of gum from each brand to account for varied chewing patterns and saliva. The person chewed the gum for four minutes and produced a saliva sample every 30 seconds. They then rinsed their mouth with clean water. The saliva samples were then combined into one sample. In a different experiment, saliva samples were collected every 20 minutes. The researchers then measured the amount of microplastics present in the saliva samples. The researchers initially suspected that synthetic forms of chewing gum would contain more microplastics but were surprised to find natural chewing gums also contained a similar amount of microplastics. “We were not surprised to find microplastics in chewing gum but we are surprised to find them equal amount in both synthetic and organic gum. We assumed organic one should have less than that of synthetic… We are perplexed by the source of microplastics in them (natural gums),” Mohanty said. Microplastics found in synthetic and natural gums The researchers found an average of 100 microplastics were released for every gram of gum. Some pieces of gum produce up to 600 microplastics per gram. For context, the researchers note that a single piece of gum typically weighs 2–6 grams. The researchers also found that both the synthetic and natural gums contained the same kind of polymers, the highest amount were of polyolefins, a type of plastic that includes polyethylene and polypropylene. Tracey Woodruff, PhD, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at UCSF who has studied the health impacts of microplastics, said the fact chewing gum contains microplastics isn’t entirely surprising. Woodruff wasn’t involved in the study. “Nothing surprises me about how many places plastic is anymore, but it is sad and surprising in the fact that these things that are in our food or putting in our mouth, sometimes, for a long time, could be releasing microplastics,” she told Healthline. “We already know we’re exposed to lots of different micro plastics… because they’ve been measured in every part of the body… But the problem is, is that the gum that you’re chewing is adding on to all the other microplastic exposure you’re already getting.” Health impacts of microplastics The health impacts of microplastics on humans are still the subject of ongoing research. One 2024 review found that microplastics were suspected to harm human respiratory health, digestive health and reproductive health and were also possibly associated with colon and lung cancer. Dana Hunnes, PhD, a senior clinical dietitian at UCLA Health, told Healthline that despite knowing that microplastics are widespread, the findings of the study are still shocking. Hunnes wasn’t involved in the study. “I honestly never would have thought to even think about chewing gum as a source of microplastics! Yes, I am very surprised with this study, and not pleasantly so. When chewing gum, most people tend to swallow their saliva, so if chewing gum is releasing microplastics into saliva that people are swallowing, that’s not great,” she told Healthline. Should you stop chewing gum? Hunnes noted that some people may prefer to reduce their use of chewing gum or stop chewing gum altogether. “This article indicated that both natural and manufactured chewing gums contained similar amounts of microplastics, so, in that case, it likely doesn’t much matter which they’re chewing. It might be best to stop or at least decrease the frequency. Especially for children [with] developing and more-susceptible brains to these chemicals causing damage,” Hunnes said. Woodruff said chewing gum is a personal choice, but her own preference is to refrain from chewing gum. “The more you chew, the more micro plastics you’re going to expose yourself to. And the other component of this is you’re adding plastics to already existing, ongoing plastic exposure. So my own preference would be to not chew chewing gum,” she said. “If people are interested in lowering their exposures to microplastics, which we know are linked to certain types of health effects, not consuming chewing gum would be an option to avoid microplastic exposures.”

  • Women's Heart Health More Affected by Lifestyle Risks Than Men, Study Finds
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    New research suggests certain cardiovascular risk factors may impact women’s heart health more than men’s. Halfpoint Images/Getty Images New research indicates that certain cardiovascular risk factors could significantly impact females more than males. The researchers say taking biological sex into account during routine screenings could provide a clearer assessment of cardiovascular risk. Experts say it’s important for females to monitor their risk factors as they age. The links between blood pressure, diet, exercise, or smoking and heart disease risk have been well established. Yet new research indicates these risk factors may significantly impact women’s heart health more than men’s. The findings, being presented at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session (ACC.25) on March 29-31 in Chicago, suggest that a person’s sex should be considered during routine screenings, which could provide a clearer assessment of cardiovascular risk. Researchers say understanding sex-based differences in heart disease risk factors could also help inspire people to make heart-healthy changes. The research has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal. Women more impacted by heart disease risk factors The researchers examined data from over 175,000 adults who participated in the Ontario Health Study between 2009 and 2017, with females making up 60% of the group. At the start of the study, none of the participants had been diagnosed with heart disease. The study focused on eight established cardiovascular risk factors: body mass index (BMI) blood pressure diet physical activity sleep smoking status blood glucose lipid levels Each participant received an assessment for these factors and was categorized as having either ideal or poor health in each category. Using these individual classifications, the researchers created an overall health profile, ranking participants as having poor, intermediate, or ideal cardiovascular health depending on the number of positive and negative risk factors they exhibited. Follow-up evaluations occurred over a median period of just over 11 years. The study tracked major cardiovascular events such as: heart attack stroke angina (chest pain caused by restricted blood flow) peripheral artery disease heart failure procedures to clear blocked arteries death due to cardiovascular conditions Findings showed that females tended to have more favorable risk profiles than males. They were more likely to maintain an ideal overall health status, with 9.1% achieving a perfect score across all eight factors, compared to only 4.8% of males. Conversely, fewer women (21.9%) fell into the poor health category compared to males (30.5%). Regarding specific risk factors, females were more likely than males to have optimal diet, blood glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels. However, they were slightly less likely to reach ideal physical activity levels. Despite having generally better health metrics, females who did accumulate more negative risk factors faced a significantly higher risk of severe cardiovascular events than males with comparable risk profiles. After adjusting for age, the data revealed that both males and females with poor or intermediate cardiovascular health were at greater risk for heart disease compared to those in ideal health. However, the impact was more pronounced in females. Females classified as having poor health faced nearly five times the risk of heart disease compared to those with ideal health, whereas males with poor health had 2.5 times the risk. Females in the intermediate health group had 2.3 times the risk, while their male counterparts had 1.6 times the risk. The researchers emphasized the need for further investigation to determine how biological and sociocultural factors may contribute to these differences in cardiovascular outcomes between males and females. They also plan to analyze whether the effects of risk factors vary across racial and ethnic groups or in females before and after menopause. Why does biological sex affect cardiovascular risk? While the study itself couldn’t explain why sex-based differences appear to impact cardiovascular risk, Daniel Atkinson, MD, clinical lead at Treated, suggested a few reasons behind this phenomenon. Atkinson wasn’t involved in the study. “It’s not fully understood why this is the case, but some research has suggested it might be because of physiological differences between men and women,” Atkinson said. “Outdated approaches to managing heart disease in women might also be contributing to the issue because, as the study points out, screenings are rarely gender specific,” he noted. “Heart disease symptoms might present differently in women and could manifest differently at specific stages in their life if hormonal changes do impact things,” Atkinson continued. Atkinson added that while hormonal birth control doesn’t cause heart disease, some types can trigger high blood pressure or cholesterol, which might contribute to a greater risk in females who already have other cardiovascular risk factors. What women should know about heart disease Rohit Vuppuluri, DO, an interventional and vascular cardiologist at Chicago Heart & Vascular Specialists, told Healthline it’s “important for women to understand that although cardiovascular disease is higher in men, cardiovascular disease is still a leading cause of death for both women and men.” However, women are often underdiagnosed, he said, because their symptoms are atypical. According to the American College of Cardiology, while both females and males exhibit the more typical heart attack symptom of chest pain, females are more likely to experience additional symptoms such as nausea and shortness of breath. “After menopause, women can have [a] greater risk of cardiovascular disease, and close monitoring of risk factors should occur for women as they become older,” said Vuppuluri. This includes doing regular blood pressure checks, cholesterol testing, and glucose monitoring. “Women must also be proactive in managing their lifestyle,” he advised. How women can protect cardiovascular health Jayne Morgan, MD, a cardiologist and vice president of medical affairs at Hello Heart, pointed to several lifestyle factors that females should seek to manage to promote cardiovascular health. Morgan wasn’t involved in the study. Engage in regular physical activity. “Stay active, and have your body in motion. Remember, the human body is made to move,” she said. Follow your doctor’s advice. “If you are prescribed medications for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc., take them as prescribed and ensure that you meet all goals of measurements,” said Morgan. Monitor your blood pressure regularly. High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for both heart disease and stroke, according to Morgan. Keeping it under good control is essential. Engage in community. “Longevity, especially with women, has been highly associated with significant relationships with other females within communities,” she said. Finally, Morgan noted the importance of being aware that women’s heart disease risk rises during perimenopause. She suggested speaking with your physician about any additional steps you may take to protect your heart.

  • ADHD Misinformation on TikTok Skewing Young Adults’ Perceptions About the Condition
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    New research found that most of the popular content about ADHD on TikTok is medically inaccurate. Westend61/Getty Images A new analysis found that medical misinformation about ADHD is prevalent on TikTok, with the content significantly shaping how young people view the condition. The issue could highlight a demographic reaching for answers that may be facing barriers to care, researchers say.  For those wondering whether they have ADHD, there are some strategies for identifying medically accurate information and seeking out the support they need. Information about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is abundant on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, fueling concern about mis- and self-diagnosis.  This isn’t a new phenomenon. For the past few decades, public discussions about the neurodivergent condition have centered on arguments about whether it is overdiagnosed or overmedicated. Social media has only enhanced the debate. As many young adults turn to platforms like TikTok and Instagram to gather information about ADHD, medical professionals often remain critical of any form of self-diagnosis. A new analysis, published March 19 in PLOS One, found that most of the popular content about ADHD on TikTok is medically inaccurate and that insights provided by some content creators do not mirror those of mental health professionals.  Vasileia Karasavva, a co-author of the research and a PhD student at the University of British Columbia, told Healthline the study highlights an issue for many young people: they just don’t have the resources to get answers.“I don’t think there’s anything more human than trying to understand your own experiences and your own self and how you feel. And I think what we’re tapping into is people struggling, but then not having access to places that they can get good support and help. And so they have to rely on themselves. They have to rely on whatever is easily available to them, and that’s social media,” Karasavva said. More than half of ADHD claims on TikTok are misleading The new analysis includes two studies. During the first stage, the researchers recorded the first 100 videos listed in order of view count under the hashtag #ADHD. Those videos were then assessed by two authors, both longtime clinical psychologists who sought to determine the accuracy of the claims made in the videos, who then rated them. The other two authors, PhD students, noted the number and nature of claims made in the videos and the video metrics for each video and also identified when content creators mentioned selling services or asking for money.  At this stage, the psychologists found that fewer than half (48.7%) of the claims being made about ADHD were accurate and that the majority of the inaccurate claims (68.5%) better described a “normal human experience.” During the second study, 843 participants — some with a formal ADHD diagnosis, some who were self-diagnosed, and some who did not have ADHD — were asked to watch and rate the top five and bottom five rated videos from the first study. They were then asked a number of questions, including how they experienced this sort of content on TikTok. They were also asked to rate how much they would recommend these videos to others.  The results show that the participants, all young adults, rated the accurate videos significantly lower and the less accurate videos higher significantly than the psychology professionals involved in the study. The study also showed that, of the 100 videos, none of the creators listed shared a credential at the doctoral level, and only 1.6% of creators shared a Master’s level of education. The vast majority of creators (83.6%) cited lived experience as the foundation of their content.  Karasavva said the research team was surprised that half of the content creators making these videos incorporated some form of sales tactic via links to sites like Venmo and Amazon. “While some of these product requests may be legitimate, I think it also raises some important questions about how ADHD has been commercialized online, on social media, and we also have to question if viewers are getting reliable and science-backed information, or [if] they are just being seen as potential customers, encouraged to buy things that might not actually help them,” she noted. Don T. Galbadage, PhD, MPH, an associate professor at Texas Christian University whose work focuses on public health education, said the study highlights the need for social media consumers to use formalized informational resources from organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Mental Health. He told Healthline the article provides a key question for those in public health to ask themselves as they work to provide the best information about conditions like ADHD. “How can we help empower our consumers to know what is good content [and] what is reliable content? This study helps show there is a disconnect between good information versus more popular information,” Galbadage noted. Self-diagnosing ADHD isn’t reliable Ashwini Nadkarni, MD, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the faculty’s interim vice chair of faculty development, said those who rely on ADHD-related content online could have other symptoms that are missed or not attended to by a physician.  “I think what the study tells us is that what people see on TikTok probably should not be experienced as gospel,” Nadkarni told Healthline. “You know, it’s ultimately anecdotal content, and it can lead to people misattributing normal behaviors or behaviors that can be explained by other conditions to be signs of ADHD.” Jess Rauchberg, PhD, a digital media scholar and former social media content creator who is now an assistant professor at Seton Hall University, noted the study’s findings reflect a social media algorithm shaping what users continue to see. “TikTok’s algorithmic recommendation system is saying, this person wants to hear about ADHD or diagnosis and self-diagnosis,” Rauchberg told Healthline. “I think it [the study] shows that self-diagnosis is really, really complicated. It’s an important moment to think about media literacy. Media isn’t reality but can shape our understanding of what’s real. And so I think that’s an important thread in this panic about self-diagnosis and digital platforms that is often missing from the media hype around these conversations or debates.” Ask your doctor about ADHD If social media users are inundated with inaccurate ADHD-related content, how can they best educate themselves?Rauchberg, who authored a research article on TikTok and autism, suggested looking to creators who have professional credentials and also understand the platform’s nuances (e.g., using the green screen feature or stitching from another person’s video) to help inform without disregarding other people’s lived experiences. “I think medical professionals can use the affordances of these platforms and they have a responsibility to utilize them to help people understand information,” Rauchberg said. “Because I want to clarify that TikTok isn’t necessarily the problem; it’s how you’re using TikTok to create content that can tell people about diagnosis or these ideas. And what this study shows is that there’s a role that these practitioners can play in helping young people… understand what they can find and information that they can empower themselves with.” Nadkarni said those who see their experiences reflected in this content could seek support from a medical professional who can help sort fact from fiction. This could help distinguish between anecdotal evidence on social media and science-backed diagnostic procedures. “If you’re really curious or concerned about something, the key next step is to make an appointment to see your doctor and really ask them the question,” Nadkarni said.

  • Two Studies Link Cannabis Use to Substantially Higher Risk of Heart Attack
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Two new studies highlight the potential risks to heart health among young adults who use cannabis. Olena Bondarenko/Getty Images A retrospective study found that cannabis users were six times as likely to have a heart attack compared to non-users. A meta-analysis of 12 previous studies showed that cannabis users had a 50% higher risk of a heart attack than non-users. Both studies lacked sufficient information to determine whether the risk was different for inhaled cannabis versus ingested products. As legal use of cannabis in the United States has increased in recent years, so have concerns about potential negative health effects. This includes the impact on the heart. Two new studies found that people who use cannabis are more likely to have a heart attack compared to people who do not use the drug. These findings are from a retrospective study that will be published in the journal JACC Advances and a meta-analysis of 12 previously published studies being presented on March 29 at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session. In the retrospective study, researchers found that cannabis users under the age of 50 were more than six times as likely to have a heart attack compared to non-users. The meta-analysis showed that cannabis users had a 50% increased risk of a heart attack. The meta-analysis included 12 previous studies, with over 93,000 cannabis users and 4.5 million non-users. This is the largest pooled study of its kind to date. “Asking about cannabis use should be part of clinicians’ workup to understand patients’ overall cardiovascular risk, similar to asking about smoking cigarettes,” study author Ibrahim Kamel, MD, clinical instructor at the Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, said in a news release. In addition, “a fair warning should be made so that the people who are consuming cannabis know that there are risks,” he said in the release. Effects of cannabis use on heart health The retrospective study used patient data from TriNetX, a global health research network that provides access to electronic medical records.  Researchers followed patients for an average of over three years. Compared to non-users, cannabis users had a: six times higher risk of heart attack four times higher risk of ischemic stroke (which occurs when a blood clot or plaque blocks blood flow to the brain) two times higher risk of heart failure three times higher risk of cardiovascular death, heart attack or stroke. Participants were younger than 50 and did not have any cardiovascular-related health problems at the start of the study. Their blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels were within a healthy range. They did not have diabetes or prior coronary artery disease and did not use tobacco products. For the meta-analysis, researchers included 12 previously published studies, which they rated as being of moderate to good quality. One study was conducted in Canada, one in India, and the rest in the U.S. The average age of participants in these 12 studies was 41 years. However, some studies did not include information about the participants’ ages. Of these studies, seven found that cannabis use was linked to a higher risk of heart attack. Four studies showed no difference in heart attack risk between cannabis users and non-users. One study found that cannabis users had a slightly lower risk of heart attack. When researchers combined the data from all the studies and analyzed this pooled data, they found that active cannabis users were 1.5 times more likely to have a heart attack compared to people who were not current users. One study included in the meta-analysis found the heart attack risk peaked about one hour after cannabis use. However, because of differences in the data among the studies, researchers were not able to account for several factors that might affect the results, such as how much and how long participants had used cannabis, and their use of tobacco or other drugs. “A confounding factor, as indicated in this study, is whether other forms of drug use may contribute to adverse cardiovascular effects,” said Hoang Nguyen, MD, an interventional cardiologist at MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA, who was not involved in the research. For example, “cocaine has been known to be detrimental to the heart as it may cause heart attacks and weaken heart muscles, leading to heart failure,” he told Healthline. Risks of inhaled versus ingested cannabis Sameer Amin, MD, cardiologist and chief medical officer at L.A. Care Health Plan, who was not part of the research, said more research is needed on the health risks of cannabis. But “based on [this] early information showing an association of cannabis with an increased risk of worse cardiovascular outcomes, there appears to be an emerging concern,” he told Healthline. The possible mechanisms for how cannabis might damage the cardiovascular system is not fully understood.  The researchers suggest that cannabis may affect heart rhythm regulation, increase the heart muscle’s need for oxygen, and contribute to dysfunction of the lining of the arteries. This could make it harder for blood vessels to relax and expand properly, which might interrupt the flow of blood. In terms of whether inhaled cannabis or ingested cannabis may have a bigger impact on heart attack risk, Kamel said both the meta-analysis and the retrospective study lacked detailed information to determine this. So “an interesting aspect to look at [in future studies] is whether there are differences between the inhaled form of cannabis versus consumables such as brownies, gummies and candies,” said Nguyen. Research on other chemicals, though, suggests that inhalation may carry certain health risks. “We know that chronic inhalation of tobacco and other chemicals damages the lungs and increases several respiratory risks, including things like COPD and lung cancer,” said Andrew Meltzer, MD, MS, professor of emergency medicine and attending physician at the GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences, who was not involved in the new research.  “But we don’t know for sure if that’s also true with cannabis, because those studies haven’t been done,” he told Healthline. Is any amount of cannabis ‘safe’? “It would be challenging to determine the safety of any amount [of cannabis] without conducting clinical trials or bench work,” said Kamel. “However, given the available data, we believe that the risk exists.” Nguyen suggests that the effects of cannabis on the heart may depend on how often and how much people use it, but more research would be needed to determine that. Given that it’s not clear what a safe amount of cannabis is, Amin recommends that people “avoid use of any substance that would increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.” Less chronic use, though, may have a much lower risk. “Intermittent, relatively low-dose use of cannabis is mostly benign,” said Meltzer, but “we don’t have a lot of data on the health effects of long-term cannabis use.” In fact, “some of the reactions we see are paradoxical. For instance, in patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, cannabis in short doses actually reduces nausea and stimulates appetite,” he said. “But for some people, chronic daily use of cannabis can actually cause nausea and abdominal discomfort.” In a recent study, he and his colleagues found that these kinds of symptoms — which occur with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome — could represent a costly and largely hidden public health problem. With the increased legalization of cannabis in the U.S., Meltzer said there’s essentially an active public health experiment going on, one that requires cannabis users to stay up to date about research on the health risks of this drug. “Unless we carefully monitor this, there’s the possibility that we might find out in 10 years that there are increased medical problems related to long-term use of cannabis,” he said. 

  • Compounding Pharmacies to Stop Making Ozempic, Zepound Knockoffs: What to Know
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    People who rely on compounded GLP-1 drugs say they might not be able to afford brand-name versions, which are often not covered by insurance. Iuliia Burmistrova/Getty Images The FDA has ordered compounding pharmacies to stop making less expensive versions of popular weight loss medications like Ozempic and Zepbound. The order comes after federal officials determined there was no longer a shortage of GLP-1 drugs. People who rely on compounded medications say they may have to stop taking the drugs because the brand-name versions are too expensive. A ban on so-called copycat versions of weight loss drugs that contain the active ingredient trizepatide took effect on March 19. A similar prohibition on copycat weight loss medications that contain the active ingredient semaglutide is scheduled to take effect as early as April 22. The bans follow the Food and Drug Administration’s updated guidance for compounding pharmacies manufacturing less expensive versions of Eli Lilly’s weight-loss medications Zepbound and Mounjaro as well as Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic and Wegovy. The FDA announced the updated guidance after a federal judge ruled against the Outsourcing Facilities Association (OFA), which had filed a lawsuit on behalf of compounding pharmacies selling copycat trizepatide medications. A similar lawsuit is being considered on behalf of pharmacies that produce the less expensive versions of semaglutide drugs. Compounded drugs are not approved by the FDA, so the agency does not verify their safety, effectiveness, or quality. However, they can be sold under certain circumstances. Telehealth providers such as Eden, Mochi, Ro, and Hims & Hers have been allowed to sell alternative versions of drugs since December 2022 due to a shortage of weight-loss drugs caused by increased demand for the products. However, in December 2024, FDA officials announced that the medication shortage had ended. They ordered a transition period for compounding pharmacies to stop manufacturing the drugs, which are still protected by patents, and give Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk exclusive rights to their products. People who take these less expensive medications are concerned about losing a product that has helped them lose weight. They say they now have to decide whether to pay significantly more for a brand-name medication or stop taking GLP-1 drugs and risk regaining the weight they’ve lost. Experts say the FDA decision could result in people being denied an important medical tool. “The reason there is so much demand is because at this time these drugs are the most effective medications for weight loss,” said Mir Ali, MD, a general surgeon, bariatric surgeon, and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA. What will happen to weight-loss drug supply? A big question is whether Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk will be able to produce enough of their GLP-1 medications to meet demand if compounding pharmacies cease manufacturing the drugs. There’s also the question of whether prices for Ozempic, Zepbound, Wegovy, and Mounjaro will rise without the competition of copy cat medications. Officials at Eli Lilly did not respond to Healthline’s request for comment on this article. A spokesperson for Novo Nordisk told Healthline the drugmaker prioritizes patient safety above all else. “Unapproved fake or illegitimate knockoffs expose patients to serious safety and efficacy risks. FDA has specifically warned that knockoff drugs claiming to contain semaglutide can be ‘risky‘ for patients,” the Novo Nordisk spokesperson said.  Still, companies that sell compounded weight loss drugs have vowed to continue to help their customers. “We will continue to work to ensure that our patients can access the best treatments for their individual needs and goals, and follow applicable FDA rules and regulations on compounding,” said a statement provided to Healthline by Ro officials.  “GLP-1s are helping millions of Americans improve their health. Continued access to safe, affordable, and consistently available treatment options are critical as we fight against obesity, which impacts over 40% of Americans,” added a statement sent to Healthline by officials at Hims & Hers, which, like Ro, sells a compounded semaglutide product. Officials at Hims & Hers have released a new report stating that a shortage of GLP-1 drugs still exists in the United States. Nonetheless, Ali said he expects that Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk will be able to manufacture enough of their weight loss drugs to meet the demand. People rely on compounded GLP-1s for affordability Ali said he doesn’t expect the price on brand-name GLP-1 drugs to increase significantly because of the pressure on these companies to make the medications relatively affordable. However, he said even if there is enough supply and the price doesn’t increase, that doesn’t mean people can afford them. “Even if the medications are available, health insurance companies don’t cover these medications for a lot of people,” Ali told Healthline. He added he is also concerned that consumers might purchase less expensive weight loss drugs in markets outside the U.S. Those products, he said, can be of dubious quality and sometimes even dangerous. “People might not get what they pay for,” Ali said. He noted that some people might be eligible for gastric bypass surgery as an alternative to losing weight without using drugs. Minnesota resident Bailey Fields, 27, has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a condition that, among other things, can lead to weight gain and potentially type 2 diabetes. Fields told Healthline her current semaglutide medication from Hims & Hers costs $199 per month compared to the $675 per month she spent previously on Mounjaro. Because she has PCOS and is at risk for diabetes, Fields’ doctor prescribed Mounjaro. Despite this, Fields noted her health insurance company would only cover the cost of a weight loss drug treatment if she were to develop type 2 diabetes. Fields intends to maintain her weight but she is concerned she won’t be able to do that if she can no longer purchase the copy cat semaglutide product. “I don’t know what will happen if I stop taking it,” she said. Fields is not alone. Tennessee resident Todd Kennedy, 45, relies on compounded semaglutide for weight maintenance and hopes to lose more weight. He’s concerned the ban on compounded semaglutide may endanger that goal. Kennedy now pays $165 per month for the Hims & Hers product. He said a brand-name version of the same drug would cost him $1,500 per month. He told Healthline he simply can’t afford the more expensive versions and called the FDA decision “short-sighted.” “It gives people a tool,” Kennedy said. “I feel that taking away a valuable and effective tool isn’t benefitting anybody.” How GLP-1s like Ozempic, Zepbound aid weight loss Wegovy and Zepbound have been approved by the FDA as a weight loss treatment. Ozempic and Mounjaro are FDA-approved as a treatment for type 2 diabetes. Ozempic is frequently prescribed off-label for weight loss, however. These products work by either targeting the brain or affecting certain hormones to suppress appetite and make a person feel less hungry. People prescribed the medications are also usually put on a specific diet and exercise routine. Ali said these drugs are effective because they focus on the source of weight-loss issues. “By treating the source, they are more likely to produce success,” he said. Ali noted that the drugs are part of a new strategy in the medical field for treating people with weight management issues. “There is a slow shift on looking at obesity as a chronic disease and the fact that it needs to be treated that way,” he said. Learn more about how to get GLP-1 medications from vetted and trusted online sources here: How to Get Zepbound: What We Know So Far Where to Buy Zepbound Online How to Get Mounjaro (Tirzepatide) Where to Buy Mounjaro (Tirzepatide) Online Where to Buy Ozempic Online Where to Buy Ozempic Online How to Get Wegovy for Weight Loss In Person and Online How to Get a Wegovy Prescription Online

  • Heavy Periods During Perimenopause Linked to Fatigue. Here's How to Cope
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Heavy menstrual bleeding is common during perimenopause and can lead to iron deficiency anemia, a well-known cause of fatigue. Maskot/Getty Images A recent study found that abnormal menstrual bleeding during perimenopause is associated with fatigue. If left untreated, heavy menstrual bleeding can lead to iron deficiency anemia, a well-known cause of fatigue. Females should report midlife menstrual changes like prolonged or heavy bleeding to their doctor to discuss treatment to help ease discomfort. Irregular menstrual cycles during midlife, or changes in the amount and duration of menstrual flow, is often a telltale sign of perimenopause. This phase before menopause, known as the menopause transition, typically affects females in their mid to late 40s and early 50s, though the age of onset may vary significantly. Unlike menopause, which is confirmed when a person has gone 12 months without a period, perimenopause is often characterized by abnormal menstrual bleeding. Heavy menstrual bleeding during perimenopause can significantly impact quality of life. New clues on perimenopause and midlife fatigue A recent study found that heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding may lead to fatigue, which helps explain why females are two to four times more likely to experience syndromic fatigue during midlife, which can be debilitating, researchers say. The results, published online on March 12 in Menopause, the journal of The Menopause Society, note that 1 in 3 perimenopausal females experienced abnormal uterine bleeding. Despite this prevalence, few studies have examined the issue nor have they explained the link between abnormal uterine bleeding during the menopause transition phase and fatigue or decreased quality of life.  Heavy bleeding may cause iron deficiency anemia (low red blood cell count), which, while treatable, is a well-known cause of fatigue. “This study highlights the need for greater clinical awareness of abnormal uterine bleeding, particularly given the increased frequency during the menopause transition and its association with low energy or fatigue symptoms,” said Stephanie Faubion, MD, director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Women’s Health and medical director for The Menopause Society, in a news release. “Educating women about the possibility of prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding during the menopause transition and the potential health consequences is also needed,” she noted. Abnormal bleeding during perimenopause is common Perimenopause onset begins with declining ovarian function and reproductive hormone shifts, resulting in a drop in estrogen production and leading to various menopause-like symptoms, such as: hot flashes sleep difficulties chronic pain  depression and mood changes In this new study, researchers examined menstrual tracking calendars for 2,300 midlife females to determine whether they experienced heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding over the course of six months. They assessed feelings associated with fatigue (i.e., feeling tired, worn out, low energy). After adjusting for other possible causes of fatigue, they found a strong link between heavy and prolonged menses and fatigue.  The researchers suggest that more awareness of abnormal uterine bleeding during perimenopause is needed.  “Changes in menstrual bleeding are common in perimenopause, Faubion told Healthline. “Periods can become lighter or heavier. This relates to fluctuations in ovarian function and subsequently in brain neurochemicals, such that the brain is trying to get the ovary to respond.” “When that happens, the ovary is being ‘flogged’ by the brain, which can result in higher levels of estrogen than a woman usually has in her reproductive years. This can lead to thickening of the uterine lining and heavier menstrual blood flow,” Faubion added. Signs of midlife menstrual changes, such as heavy or prolonged bleeding, may include: irregular menstrual cycles menses lasting longer than 7 days unusually heavy flow needing frequent changing of menstrual products passing large blood clots bleeding that interferes with everyday activities Heavy menstrual bleeding is not always related to hormone changes during perimenopause, however.  Abnormal uterine bleeding may also be related to other causes not associated with menopause transition, such as uterine cancer, Faubion noted. “It’s always important that abnormal uterine bleeding be evaluated because bleeding could be a sign of something more serious,” Faubion said. Treating heavy bleeding during perimenopause The new study’s authors say clinicians should assess energy levels when patients report bleeding changes to determine the right course of treatment, especially if there is a risk of anemia. “If a woman is experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding in perimenopause, it should be evaluated and treated,” Faubion said. If you’re concerned about midlife menstrual changes, ask your doctor for guidance to help you navigate this transition. Treatments for heavy menstrual bleeding may include: hormonal treatments​ (i.e., combined oral contraceptives) non-hormonal medications (i.e., NSAIDs) progestin-containing IUDs ​endometrial ablation (a medical procedure that removes the uterine lining to help reduce menstrual flow) hysterectomy (in severe cases only) Your doctor might also advise certain self-care strategies to help ease discomfort, such as: tracking menstrual changes using menstrual products for heavier flow taking iron supplements  stress management maintaining a balanced diet exercising regularly “There are many options for reducing bleeding during this time,” Faubion said. “In other words, they shouldn’t just ‘put up with it.’”

  • Measles Cases Rising In 17 States: How to Protect Yourself During the Outbreak
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    The CDC reports that 95% of measles cases in the U.S. are in people who are unvaccinated or whose vaccination status is unknown. FG Trade/Getty Images The growing measles outbreak in the U.S. has reached 378 confirmed cases, surpassing the total number of cases in 2024. The CDC issued a measles advisory for travelers and healthcare professionals as experts continue to urge vaccination against the disease. High vaccination rates help protect those who can’t be vaccinated due to medical treatments or compromised immune systems. More states have reported measles amid a growing outbreak amid vaccine misinformation and ongoing hesitancy. As of March 20, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 378 confirmed cases of measles in 17 states: Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York State, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, and Washington. Measles cases have also been reported in New York City. That’s more than the 285 measles cases reported in all of 2024. Of the cases reported in 2025 so far, 283 are in young adults and children under the age of 20. CDC officials have attributed 341 cases to three different outbreaks in the country. Texas had the most cases, with 327 reported as of March 21. New Mexico had the second-highest number, with 43 cases. The CDC added that 95% of all cases are in unvaccinated people or whose vaccination status is unknown. So far, 64 of the cases have resulted in hospitalization. One death from measles has been confirmed, that being an unvaccinated child in Lubbock, TX. The death of a person who had measles and was unvaccinated is under investigation in Lea County, NM. However, the spread of measles isn’t limited to the United States. An analysis by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF states that there were more than 127,000 measles cases in Europe in 2024. That’s double the number recorded in 2023 in that region, which includes 53 countries in Europe and Central Asia. It’s also the highest number of cases recorded since 1997. More than half of the European cases required hospitalization, and 38 deaths were reported in the region. The report noted that nearly 360,000 measles cases were reported worldwide in 2024. The measles spread has prompted the CDC to issue an advisory for U.S. residents and healthcare professionals. In it, the CDC recommends medical professionals to emphasize the importance and effectiveness of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine to parents and unvaccinated adults. They add that physicians should consider measles a possible diagnosis in anyone with a temperature above 101 degrees Fahrenheit and/or a rash or cough who has traveled internationally or domestically to a region with a measles outbreak. They advise travelers to make sure they are fully vaccinated before heading to their destinations. They add that travelers should monitor themselves for 3 weeks after returning for any symptoms of measles. “Measles is a highly contagious disease that can turn deadly,” said Anne Liu, MD, a clinical associate professor of pediatrics immunology and allergy at Stanford University. “People who are unvaccinated and people who are immunocompromised should be quite concerned about the growing footprint of this outbreak.” Vaccinations prevent spread of measles Experts say the reason measles is spreading so quickly is simple: it’s one of the most contagious diseases on the planet. “It’s unbelievably contagious. It’s the most contagious disease we’ve ever seen,” said Danelle Fisher, MD, a pediatrician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. She noted that people with measles can be contagious 4 days before symptoms emerge and 7 to 10 days afterward. William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease specialist and a professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, notes that vaccines are the only protection against measles. “Vaccination is the way to prevent measles. There are no other ways. Although it has been in the news recently, vitamin A cannot prevent measles,” Schaffner told Healthline. Fisher agreed. She said people who have had the disease or are fully vaccinated don’t have much to worry about. “You’re not going to get sick and you’re not going to spread it,” she told Healthline. On the other hand, people who are unvaccinated or whose immunity has waned over the years are at significantly higher risk. Fisher said people in these categories should view measles much like the world viewed COVID-19 in 2020 before vaccines against that disease were available. In fact, Fisher said if there weren’t a measles vaccine, the current outbreak would probably spread around the globe in just a few weeks. “Vaccinations are the reason this is not spreading even more,” she said. Fisher urged parents to ensure that children have received their recommended vaccines. She also recommended that adults who are unvaccinated or are unsure about their vaccination status get immunized. She said the vaccines not only protect an individual but also children and adults who can’t get vaccinated due to medical treatments or compromised immune systems. “It’s incumbent on all of us to protect the most vulnerable in our society,” Fisher said. Schaffner agreed. “There are many children and adults living among us who are immunocompromised. If they were to contract measles, they would get very sick,” he said. “We all protect them by being vaccinated and creating a ‘cocoon’ of protection around them, making it difficult for the virus to get past us to find them.” What else can you do to prevent measles? Experts say there are precautions you can take in addition to vaccines to lower your risk of contracting measles. Fisher cautioned unvaccinated people from taking planes, trains, or any other form of mass transportation. She said this group should only consider essential travel. She added that you can also make adjustments at your job to lower the number of people you come into contact with. People who work at or visit schools or healthcare facilities should take extra precautions. In addition, Fisher advised everyone to be cautious around anyone with a cough or other symptoms of measles. “Be very wary of anyone with any kind of upper respiratory illness,” she said. Even going to the grocery store might be risky for those who aren’t vaccinated. “As this outbreak spreads, the areas of safety are going to get smaller and smaller,” Fisher said. What to know about measles Measles caused more than 3 million illnesses annually in the U.S. before the vaccine became widely available in the mid-1950s. Those cases resulted in 48,000 hospitalizations and 500 deaths annually. The CDC recommends that children receive two doses of the MMR vaccine. The first dose is usually given between 12 months and 15 months of age. The second dose is usually administered between 4 years and 6 years of age. The virus is transmitted through the air or by direct contact with a surface that has droplets that contain the virus. Symptoms will usually appear within 14 days. Those symptoms include: widespread skin rash high fever cough sore throat About 30% of measles cases lead to some form of complication, the most common being ear infections and diarrhea. Serious complications are rare, but they include: pneumonia encephalitis subacute sclerosing panencephalitis Liu said there is also a long-term consequence to measles. “One of the lesser-known features of measles is that it can wipe out part of a person’s immune memory from prior infections, leaving them vulnerable to infections they have previously had and successfully battled,” she told Healthline. “These are preventable illnesses,” Liu added, urging the importance of vaccination. “Many people are being hospitalized for measles because of the severity of their illness, not for quarantining purposes.” Schaffner agreed that measles should not be taken lightly. “The public should be aware of the current measles situation,” he said. “Stay informed and make sure that you and your family are fully vaccinated against measles. If you have friends whom you know are not vaccinating their children, urge them to speak with their doctor about their concerns. Reach out and make them feel comfortable that vaccination is best for their family and for the entire community. We’re all in this together.” Takeaway Measles cases in the United States in 2025 reached 378 as of March 20. That’s more than the number of cases reported in all of 2024. The largest outbreak this year has been in Texas, where 327 cases have been confirmed. Officials at the CDC say 95% of the cases nationwide are in unvaccinated people or whose vaccination status is unknown. Experts say fully vaccinated people will not get sick from the disease, nor will they spread it. They urge parents to ensure their children have received the two recommended doses of the MMR vaccine.

  • 'White Lotus' Characters Pop Lorazepam Pills, Highlighting Risks of the Drug
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    In Season 3 of “The White Lotus,” some characters pop lorazepam like candy, highlighting the potential for dependency and misuse. CHANAKARN LAOSARAKHAM/AFP via Getty Images Lorazepam, a common anti-anxiety medication, makes frequent appearances in Season 3 of “The White Lotus” on HBO. This type of benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety, panic attacks, and certain types of insomnia. The drug slows activity in the brain, promoting physical relaxation and reducing anxious thoughts. Lorazepam has the potential for dependence and may cause life threatening problems when used with opioid medications, alcohol, and certain illegal drugs. HBO’s third season of “The White Lotus” is underway. A mostly new cast of guests flock to Thailand’s Koh Samui to stay at the show’s namesake luxury spa and wellness sanctuary. Here, spirituality and a possible whodunnit are served up to loyal fans of the beloved comedy-drama series. This season begins similarly to others, with plenty of intrigue, leaving behind a string of mysteries about who died and how. The show opened with gunshots and a dead body, this time floating face down in a lotus pond. As storylines are introduced, a surprising theme running throughout this season is the frequent mention of lorazepam, a prescription medication used to treat anxiety and certain types of insomnia. Victoria Ratliff, played by Parker Posey, whose Southern drawl brings a distinctive ring to the word “lorazepam,” can’t seem to get through the day without popping these anti-anxiety pills like candy, sometimes downing them with white wine at dinner. Her overuse of the pills leaves her slurring her words, zoning out, and dozing off at the dinner table. At one point in episode 4 (which was released on March 9), Victoria’s daughter Piper exclaims, “You don’t have enough lorazepam to get through one week at a wellness spa?” In this episode, Victoria’s husband Timothy (played by Jason Isaacs) steps into lorazepam misuse territory to cope with a work-related scandal that could ruin his reputation. While attending a yacht party with their three children, he steals Victoria’s prescription bottle from her bag, drinks a few glasses of what looks like whiskey and becomes incoherent. If you’re wondering about this drug and whether it’s safe for anxiety, read on. We’ll break down how the drug is meant to be used, the main risks, and other ways to manage your anxiety. What is lorazepam? Lorazepam is the generic name for the prescription medication Ativan. It belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines, which also include: Valium Xanax Halcion Klonopin “Lorazepam is a commonly prescribed medication for anxiety. It’s also used to treat panic attacks and can be used for insomnia,” said David Merrill, MD, PhD, a geriatric psychiatrist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. The drug works by slowing the activity in the brain, which promotes relaxation in the body and a reduction in anxious thoughts. However, “the first-line treatment [for anxiety] is typically antidepressants like SSRIs [antidepressants], plus psychotherapy,” Merrill told Healthline. “Something like cognitive behavioral therapy or mindfulness-based stress reduction — where you get a better understanding of what’s driving your anxieties and how to manage the anxiety when it comes up, versus just popping a pill like is done on a TV show.” Victoria L. Leigh, DO, FACOI, an internal medicine specialist with Providence St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, CA, said in certain cases, benzodiazepines may be used first, such as with anxiety experienced by cancer patients and hospice or palliative care patients. Lorazepam may also be used for short-term anxiety related to a medical procedure, she said, such as when people experience panic symptoms in the confined space of an MRI machine. One 2024 meta-analysis of previous studies found that benzodiazepines were more effective than SSRIs at reducing the physical symptoms of anxiety. Both drugs were similarly effective at reducing the psychological symptoms.  However, because benzodiazepines have more severe side effects, including a risk of dependence, SSRIs are often recommended first for generalized anxiety disorder. Therapy can also benefit people by teaching them to notice internal physiological sensations such as racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, numbness and tingling. These are a normal part of the body’s stress response, said Merrill, not something that is dangerous or harmful. “If you learn how to counteract those sensations when they come up, whether by taking a deep breath or taking a break from what you are doing, you can keep them from becoming a full-blown panic attack,” Merrill said. Some people can manage their anxiety without medication, using therapy alone. However, “with more severe cases of anxiety, we see the best outcomes with a combination of meds and therapy, at least over the short-term,” Merrill noted. “Then sometimes people can taper off the medications when their anxiety is under better control.” Is lorazepam habit forming?  When used as prescribed, lorazepam can cause the following side effects: drowsiness dizziness tiredness weakness unsteadiness nausea diarrhea or constipation appetite changes restlessness blurred vision changes in sex drive or ability More serious problems, such as life threatening breathing problems, sedation, or coma, can occur if lorazepam is used alongside opioid medications such as codeine, oxycodone, and tramadol. Drinking alcohol or using certain illegal drugs alongside lorazepam can also increase these risks. “Benzodiazepines are generally safe when used as directed,” said Merrill, “but they have the potential to be habit forming, so you can become physiologically or psychologically dependent on them.” People who are using illegal drugs or other substances should not use lorazepam. People with a history of alcohol dependence or abuse should not use lorazepam unless recommended by their doctor. “Because lorazepam is short-acting, its onset is faster, making addiction more likely,” Leigh told Healthline. In addition, “withdrawals from this medication are more abrupt than the longer-acting medications in this family.” Once dependence occurs, “if lorazepam is stopped suddenly, withdrawal symptoms can lead to seizures, altered [thoughts], and can be fatal,” she said. How to recognize lorazepam dependence Lorazepam and other benzodiazepines can cause physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms, even when taken as directed.  The severity of withdrawal symptoms depend upon the dose you are taking, how long you’ve been taking the drug, other sedating drugs you are taking, and other factors. Symptoms of withdrawal include: agitation poor memory insomnia anxiety panic attacks irritability headache muscle fatigue weakness tremor seizures Merrill said other signs of lorazepam dependence include: needing to fill your prescription early using the drug above the amounts or more often than recommended by your doctor having to use someone else’s pills because you ran out early using the drug alongside alcohol in order to manage your anxiety symptoms neglecting your responsibilities at work or in your personal life If you are experiencing physical dependence or if you had withdrawal symptoms when you tried to stop taking lorazepam, ask your doctor about tapering your dose. Tapering means taking smaller doses over the course of a few or several weeks until you can safely stop the drug. Getting help with substance misuse To find a psychiatrist or psychologist who specializes in substance misuse issues, search the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) database or call SAMHSA’s national helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). Other ways to manage anxiety Many non-medication options have been shown to help relieve anxiety symptoms. Some of these may include: psychotherapy mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) EFT tapping acupressure  “Focusing on exercise can also help to balance the ‘fight or flight’ nervous system response that drives anxiety-related feelings,” said Leigh. “Reduction in alcohol consumption and focusing on a balanced diet can also impact the ‘gut-brain axis’ and can improve mental health as well.” For Amanda Armstrong, founder of Rise As We and author of “Healing Through the Vagus Nerve,” the missing link to healing from anxiety is often the autonomic nervous system. This part of the nervous system controls unconscious processes such as breathing, heartbeat and digestion. It’s also in charge of keeping us safe through the body’s fight, flight, fawn and freeze responses. “Understanding the role of the nervous system really shifts the paradigm from ‘I’m broken,’ to seeing that your symptoms make sense when put into the context of basic biological needs, your past trauma history, and how that gets stored in your body,” said Armstrong, who is based near Washington, D.C. When viewed through the lens of the nervous system, anxiety symptoms are a survival response, one that makes sense in the context of the human body and a person’s current and past experiences. Other factors can also contribute to anxiety, such as sleep deprivation, being overstressed or over-caffeinated, suffering from micronutrient deficiencies, or lacking connection to other people and community. In her practice, Armstrong teaches clients two types of tools for managing their anxiety. First are tools that people can use in the moment if they are feeling anxious or having a panic attack. This includes visual orienting (slowly looking around your space), biting into a lemon, and certain kinds of breathing. These help people move up what Armstrong refers to as the autonomic nervous system ladder — away from the sympathetic activation response (also known as fight or flight mode) toward a state of calm and connection. The other group of tools helps reduce people’s anxiety symptoms long-term. Part of this proactive approach is helping people understand what might be contributing to their anxiety symptoms, including: past trauma current life stressors lifestyle habits relationships micronutrient deficiencies health conditions (i.e., thyroid issues or hormone imbalance) Once clients have mapped out these factors, Armstrong asks: “What feels meaningful, and what feels accessible for you to take on right now?” While Armstrong said there’s a time and a place for the use of anti-anxiety medications, she empowers clients by educating them about how their bodies work and giving them tools to manage their anxiety. This approach can also pave the way for deeper work with a therapist, whether it’s talk therapy, shadow work, or somatic parts (aka inner child) work. If the nervous system is well regulated, therapy is often more productive. Overall, “the approach I use gives you an entire new framework for understanding yourself, and navigating your world and your symptoms in a way that is not associated with brokenness,” Armstrong told Healthline. “There’s also more space for compassion and curiosity.” Takeaway In Season 3 of the HBO series “The White Lotus,” some characters appear to pop lorazepam like candy. This prescription drug is used to treat anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia due to anxiety or situational stress. Studies show that benzodiazepines such as lorazepam are effective for treating both the physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety. However, antidepressant SSRIs are more commonly used first because they have a lower risk of severe side effects. Lorazepam carries a risk of dependence and potential for misuse. This drug can also cause life threatening breathing problems, sedation, or coma when used alongside opioid pain relievers, alcohol, or certain illegal drugs.

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger Talks Joint, Mobility Health: ‘If You Rest, You Rust’
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Arnold Schwarzenegger wants those with joint pain and mobility issues to know they are not alone. Klaus Pressberger/SEPA.Media /Getty Images Revered actor and former politician Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his passion for physical activity. Schwarzenegger is spreading awareness about how regular movement can help with mobility issues. The “Terminator” legend recently launched the You’ll Be Back initiative, which allows fans to meet him. Arnold Schwarzenegger is known for his successful bodybuilding career, his service as Governor of California, and his starring roles in action-packed films like “The Terminator” franchise, “Predator,” and “Total Recall.” His next move? Earlier this year, Schwarzenegger and the medical technology company Zimmer Biomet announced the launch of “You’ll Be Back.” The campaign invites people living with limited mobility due to hip, knee, shoulder, or other joint pain to share their stories for an opportunity to meet the illustrious actor and be featured in a motivational docuseries, which will launch later this year. Members of the You’ll Be Back online community will have access to resources and a “Find a Doctor” tool to connect with local physicians and explore whether joint replacement is right for them. “It’s important to take joint pain — either hip, knee, or shoulder — seriously because it decreases the quality of life of millions of people,” Schwarzenegger, who joined Zimmer Biomet in 2024 as its Chief Movement Officer, told Healthline. In the United States, about 53 million adults live with arthritis. Additionally, approximately 1.71 billion people across the world live with musculoskeletal conditions, including: low back pain neck pain fractures and other injuries osteoarthritis amputation rheumatoid arthritis When people are in pain, they tend to move less, said Leslie Bottrell, MD, a sports medicine physician at Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital. When a known injury causes pain, taking caution with movement is important until a doctor can determine what is causing the pain. However, pain doesn’t always mean there is a physical injury, she told Healthline. “Pain is managed by memory and emotions, and oftentimes, stopping completely and not moving can have a detrimental effect and lead to weakening of the muscles and stiffness, which leads to more pain and limited movement and the inability to keep moving,” Bottrell said. Movement is medicine, Bottrell noted, and helps the body in the following ways: Moving promotes synovial fluid, which is the lubricating fluid found in the joints. Synovial fluid provides the joints cushion and eases movement between bones.  Moving helps strengthen the muscles, ligaments, and tendons around the joint, which result in less strain on the joint. Movement signals the body to send blood to the active area, which helps reduce inflammation. Moving triggers endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. “Also, as we get older, we worry about breaking bones, but if you’re muscles are engaged and you’re strong, you are less likely to fall compared to if you are weak and atrophied,” said Bottrell. Schwarzenegger relates to this sentiment. He is determined to motivate people to move safely despite fears and past injuries. “I get it. It is scary. I’ve had my own health issues — shoulder surgery, hip replacement, and all of my heart surgeries for my congenital valve issue, and I think it’s very important that I’m open about it, because I see how it inspires people to act, and not just give in to their pain,” he said. Schwarzenegger believes life is too short to let pain, fear, or uncertainty hold people back from feeling better. “I believe in the phrase, ‘If you rest, you rust,’” he said. Healthline got more insight from the legendary actor and former bodybuilder to learn more about his dedication to joint pain and mobility awareness. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length. How do you care for your joints? Schwarzenegger: I have had to deal with joint pain throughout my life. Whether I’m riding my bike, working out at Gold’s Gym, or skiing every winter, I’m a very active person. My joints have taken a beating from all the heavy lifting and stunts through the years. I’ve had my fair share of injuries, but being active is important to me, and I wouldn’t change what I’ve done. I knew when it was time to seek help, and I did. How do you approach movement? Schwarzenegger: I have dedicated my life to fitness, so I know the power of movement. My priorities have changed, but my need to never stop moving hasn’t. Even when I was competing in Mr. Universe, I was taking ballet lessons to perfect the way I moved my body. Now I’m focused on skiing every year with my family, playing with my grandchildren and my animals on the weekends or riding my bike and lifting, but I’ve never wanted to stop moving. As I’ve gotten older, I have thanked myself for all the work I did in my body in the past because I see how other people who are 78 are moving, and I can tell that the foundation I built has protected me. But I have to keep pushing myself and moving every year so I don’t rust. I never want to get to a point where I can’t do the things that bring me happiness. You have to fuel your body so it moves properly — and if there’s something wrong, make an appointment with your doctor. Only you know when changes are happening. Don’t put off these important conversations because you’re afraid.    Why should you keep moving every day? Schwarzenegger: I talk about this in my Pump Club newsletter and my podcast all the time. Movement is medicine. When you stop moving, you put yourself at risk for a lot of health conditions, including osteoarthritis. But inactivity is also a symptom of osteoarthritis because joint pain and stiffness discourage movement. That means many people with osteoarthritis are already inactive, and their pain keeps them inactive. It’s a vicious cycle. Listen, I’m not a doctor and can’t give medical advice. What I do know is that you have to be honest with yourself about how pain is affecting your life and the lives of those around you. And sometimes, that means putting pride or fear aside and talking with your doctor.  I also know that some mornings, I feel pain and stiffness in my body and all my brain wants me to do is lie in bed —but I get up and do my daily routine of a bike ride and a workout, and 99% of the time, I feel the stiffness melt away. Movement does make us better. How do you fit movement into your daily life? Schwarzenegger: I’m always moving, moving, moving! I ride my bike, and I train at the gym for 45 minutes every day when I’m at home in Los Angeles. Consistency is important. You have to have a routine. On top of my lifting and biking, I ski every winter for as many days as I can. I have been intense about getting my steps in every single day since we shared studies about the power of movement in Arnold’s Pump Club. I realized that even with a bike ride and a workout, inactivity the rest of the day can set you back. Have you adjusted your workouts as you’ve aged? Schwarzenegger: My situation is unique because I have replaced heart valves, and after my first heart surgery, the doctor told me to stop the heavy weights to protect those new valves. That wasn’t an excuse to stop, though. I used lighter weights, with more reps and less rest between sets. I’m not setting any records anymore, but I can still wear out people half my age with my training and leave ‘schvitzy’ and huffing and puffing. What motivates you to keep moving? Schwarzenegger: Vision is important to me and has been since the beginning of my fitness journey 50 years ago. If I don’t have a vision — a purpose — then I will fail. I think about the person I want to be and why I want to be that person. If I simply say, “I want to be healthy,” that’s not enough. I have to know why I’m doing it and what I want to accomplish. I have to see it. That’s the key to having anything stick long term, even through challenges. Being active is part of who I am now because I take this approach. And I always feel better after moving. I’ve had my own setbacks, but I see them as opportunities.  I won’t lie. There are some mornings where I feel off; I want to just stay in bed. But I get on my bike and ride to the gym. And almost every time, by the time I’m riding back from the gym, the world starts to turn to color. I don’t know if it is from the movement or the sense of accomplishment when I didn’t want to do it and did it anyway, but there is something magic about that. Most people want to be healthy. They want to move, but there are so many obstacles that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. That’s why having a vision is so important — it helps you take the next step. If your obstacle is pain, I challenge you to envision your life without it. What would you be able to do? How would it affect your work, your hobbies — your life? Use that vision to overcome fear and uncertainty about talking to a doctor. Don’t wait, act! That’s my message.  I want anyone with pain in their joints to know they are not alone and get the information they need to fuel their comebacks. It’s also important for me to be useful and use my platform to encourage people to take ownership of their health and to never stop moving. If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together. I want to create a community with the You’ll Be Back platform so people don’t feel alone. Is self-care an important part of a fitness routine? Schwarzenegger: Fitness is self-care. If you aren’t training your body, you aren’t taking care of it. Don’t ever convince yourself otherwise. Takeaway Arnold Schwarzenegger is raising awareness about prioritizing joint health and mobility. The famed actor and experts agree that regular movement and physical activity help you stay healthy and prevent frailty. Regular exercise can also help reduce the risk of various chronic health conditions.

  • Why Spring Allergies Are Expected to Be Longer, Stronger This Year
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Experts believe climate change may affect seasonal allergies due to lengthening growing seasons. janiecbros/Getty Images Seasonal allergies seem to last longer and be more severe in recent years than in the past. Health and environment groups point to the effects of climate change, such as longer growing seasons, as a possible reason for worsening seasonal allergies. There are actionable steps you can take to reduce your risk of exposure to pollen and other allergens. As we bid farewell to peak cold and flu season, another wave of sniffles and sneezes is taking over, courtesy of spring allergies. Seasonal allergies, which range from hay fever to allergic rhinitis and pollen allergies, seem to be arriving with greater intensity and lingering longer year after year. And no, you’re not imagining it. In some parts of North America, allergy seasons have been extended up to three weeks. Public health and research organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America point to climate change as a possible contributing factor to worsening allergy seasons. With warmer air temperatures, pollinating plants may experience earlier and longer growing seasons, allowing them to produce more pollen. “Climate change impacts allergy season because the consistent rhythm of, in the case of pollen, for example, new flowers being generated through Spring is all off kilter. Areas that were not pollinating at a given time are pollinating earlier, while other areas are pollinating later,” Frederic Bertley, PhD, president and CEO of the Center of Science and Industry (COSI), told Healthline. “The trend we are seeing in recent years is an increase in allergic responses in individuals, generally speaking, and an increase in allergic responses by age,” he added. More than a quarter of adults and about 1 in 5 children experience seasonal allergies in the United States. All that coughing and wheezing comes with a price tag, too: current estimates put pollen-related medical expenses at more than $3 billion annually. But, even with a worse allergy season, there are actionable strategies you can follow to decrease your pollen exposure and reduce your risk of allergies. Here’s your guide to staying sniffle-free and enjoying spring this year. Lower your exposure to allergens in the home Limiting your exposure to pollen is the best way to prevent symptoms during allergy season. This means keeping your home clear of pollen while you’re inside. Keep pollen out Close doors and windows during allergy season to physically keep pollen from entering your home. “Sometimes that is frustrating because we like the breeze from opening a window, but the fact of the matter is that if you open a window, the pollen and other antigens/allergens will come in from the outside and be inside your home,” said Bertley. Install HEPA filters If possible, utilize HEPA filters on your HVAC system or air conditioning unit to keep pollen and other potential allergens such as mold out of your home.  Spring clean A little “spring cleaning” can go a long way to help reduce allergens in your home. “Try to keep as clean as possible and try to be as dust-free as possible,” said Bertley. Take time to dust and clean the house: Dust and dander around the home are bound to contain pollen and other allergens. If you’re a pet owner, it might be time to bathe your furry friend. Not only can pets trigger specific allergies from their dander, but they can also bring pollen into the home. Wash your hands often This one is a no-brainer for anyone who came away from cold and flu season unscathed. Like viruses, pollen is likely to be on your hands. Washing your hands frequently can prevent it from getting to sensitive areas like your eyes, mouth, nose, and throat. Limit pollen exposure when you’re outside If you plan to be outside regularly or engage in outdoor activities during allergy season, your chances of exposure to pollen are higher. Still, you can take a few precautions to help limit your exposure to pollen. Track pollen levels Local and regional weather services regularly forecast pollen levels in the air. If you will be outside, track weather and pollen levels to limit exposure. The Weather Channel provides a 15-day allergy forecast for tree, grass, and ragweed pollen. Shower after being outdoors If you’ve spent the day outside, your clothes will likely carry pollen back inside with you. Take a shower to remove pollen from your hair and body. Consider washing your clothes immediately or storing them separately from other items to limit pollen spread. If in doubt, don’t go out If you have a severe allergic reaction to seasonal pollen, don’t risk going outside, especially if pollen levels are high. “As much as we love Mother Nature, if you are very allergic to the things that Mother Nature provides, stay out of Mother Nature as best as possible until the season changes,” said Bertley. Consider allergy medication In addition to prevention, there are many options for allergy relief from your doctor and local pharmacy. Over-the-counter allergy medications include: antihistamines decongestants nasal and oral corticosteroids Stronger prescription versions of these types and of other drugs are also available through your doctor. If spring allergies are preventing you from functioning normally, you should seek advice from your healthcare team. For severe allergy symptoms, allergen immunotherapy or “allergy shots” could also be an option. Allergy immunotherapy is a series of treatments in which an allergen is gradually introduced to the body to build up immunity to it. What causes seasonal allergies? While it is possible to experience pollen-related allergies throughout the year, they are most commonly associated with the seasons when specific plants are pollinating, leading to high levels of pollen in the air. “Allergies occur as an abnormal response to something normally occurring in the environment, specifically protein fragments from tree pollen in the spring, grass pollen in the summer, and weeds in the winter,” Tania Elliott, MD, a spokesperson for the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, told Healthline. Everyone responds to allergens differently, so you could be allergic to grass pollen but not tree pollen or ragweed.  The term “hay fever,” or allergic rhinitis, refers to an allergic reaction to pollens released from trees, grasses, and other vegetation, which causes cold-like symptoms. Some common symptoms of seasonal allergies include: sneezing runny or stuffy nose watery and itchy eyes itchy sinuses, throat, or ear canals ear congestion postnasal drainage Takeaway Seasonal allergies seem to last longer and be more severe than in years prior. Experts believe climate change may affect seasonal allergies due to lengthening growing seasons. You can take actionable steps to limit pollen exposure during allergy season. These include frequent handwashing, keeping doors and windows closed, checking daily pollen levels, and considering OTC or prescribed medications for relief.

  • TikTok's 'Cozymaxxing' Trend Could Improve Your Mental Health, Experts Say
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Cozymaxxing is a snuggly self-care practice that TikTok users are touting as an antidote to stress. Anastasiia Krivenok/Getty Images “Cozymaxxing” is a new self-care trend on TikTok focused on creating a comforting, stress-free environment.  The practice may provide several mental health benefits, such as reduced stress, improved emotional regulation, and better sleep quality. As with many wellness trends, cozymaxxing is a self-care practice and not a substitute for mental health treatment.  Experts recommend “mental health check-ins” when practicing self-care. To start cozymaxxing, create a comforting environment, limit digital distractions, and integrate rest with movement and social connection. If changing into your pajamas, lighting a candle, and wrapping yourself in a blanket sounds like your idea of self-care, then you’ll love TikTok’s latest wellness trend: #cozymaxxing.  This snuggly practice is being hailed among TikTok users as an antidote to stress.  Search “cozymaxxing” on TikTok and you’ll unearth a trove of comfort and serenity: people wrapped in fluffy blankets, lighting candles, enjoying their favorite comfort shows, and listening to gentle music to unwind.  The self-care trend is about engaging in cozy, comforting rituals that help promote stress relief and calm.  Ken Fierheller, registered psychotherapist at One Life Counselling & Coaching, described cozymaxxing as “intentionally curating your home and habits to prioritize relaxation and coziness.”  Why is cozymaxxing so popular?  Fierheller told Healthline there are many reasons cozymaxxing is proving popular right now. Chief among them? Burnout.  “People are burnt out and looking for ways to create little pockets of peace in their lives,” he said.  “There are a lot of stressors in the world right now, and finding little moments of feeling safe and cozy is a great way to relax and destress.”  Ritika Suk Birah, consultant counseling psychologist and founder of Reflect with Dr Ritz, agreed.  “People are increasingly rejecting the glorification of busyness and hustle culture, opting instead for self-care and balance,” she told Healthline. Birah added you shouldn’t underestimate the lingering aftereffects of the pandemic that led many people to prioritize their mental health and practice self-care. “The pandemic forced many of us to stay home, leading to a deeper appreciation of comfort and safety within personal spaces,” she noted. Financial uncertainty and political turmoil could be other reasons people seek comfort in the cozy. “Economic stress, climate anxiety, and political instability make people crave a sense of safety and control, and we often find this in cozy, familiar environments,” Birah explained.  Mental health benefits of cozymaxxing  Experts interviewed by Healthline agreed that cozymaxxing could benefit your mental health.  “A cozy, predictable environment signals safety to the brain, reducing cortisol (the stress hormone) and promoting relaxation. This, in turn, can lead to a reduction in stress and anxiety,” Birah said. Another benefit could be an increase in emotional regulation. Consciously relaxing and getting cozy may give you time to reflect on and manage your emotions.  “Engaging in comforting activities, whether it’s journaling or sipping tea, supports the parasympathetic nervous system,” Birah added.  This branch of the nervous system is responsible for the body’s “rest and digest” functions and works in opposition to the body’s “fight or flight” stress response.  Birah added that cozymaxxing may help people manage feelings of unease because the practice promotes feelings of security and offers a sense of control.  Improved sleep quality is another potential mental health benefit that should not be overlooked.  “Creating a comforting space is great for stress relief and can even improve sleep because a clutter-free, inviting space makes it easier for you to wind down and get quality rest, which is key for emotional balance,” Fierheller explained.  Self-care is effective when done with intention  Wrapping yourself up in a blanket or sipping hot tea to self-soothe after a stressful day seems to be a pretty harmless ritual.  However, if not done with some parameters, cozymaxxing could lead to avoidance. “I always come back to intention and balance with any behavior, as people can worry about over indulging when it comes to self-care,” Birah said.  She recommended mental health check-ins when practicing self-care by asking yourself the following questions:  “Am I withdrawing from others?” “Am I avoiding my responsibilities?” “Have I moved my body enough today?” “Excessive coziness without movement can contribute to physical health issues or lethargy while using coziness as an escape can lead to procrastination or difficulty facing stressors,” Birah explained.  Her advice? Check your intentions and ask yourself, “Am I resting to recharge, or am I avoiding something difficult?” She said it’s a good idea to set a time limit for cozy rituals to avoid falling into isolation or excessive escapism.  If you find that your feelings of stress or anxiety have become difficult to manage on your own, consider finding a therapist or connecting with a mental health professional for support. Tips for getting started with cozymaxxing  If cozymaxxing sounds like what you need to help you with stress management, getting started is pretty simple. Birah advised starting by curating your space. “Add soft lighting, blankets, warm colors, and scents like lavender or vanilla to create a calming environment.”  Next? Create a comforting ritual. “Have a daily ritual like making a warm drink, reading, or stretching before bed to signal relaxation,” Birah said.  Fierheller recommended setting aside time for a bath with some gentle music and a candle.  Both experts are advocates for putting smartphones and other devices away during a cozymaxxing practice. “Our phones and laptops can be a big source of stress, especially if we’re checking work emails after hours or feeling obligated to respond to people right away,” Fierheller said. “Carving out digital free time can be a great way to embrace the cozy, stress-free environment you’re trying to create.”  Birah noted incorporating gentle movement into your day can also be cozy. “You can stay active with gentle, cozy-friendly movements like yoga, stretching, or a short walk in comfy layers.”  Finally, remember that cozymaxxing doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. When you’re stressed, a little “me time” can go a long way. On the other hand, sometimes being around others can also help you feel recharged.  “Invite loved ones to share in your cozy rituals, whether it’s a film night, a pot of tea, or a slow Sunday brunch,” Birah said.  Takeaway  Cozymaxxing is a low-effort and effective way to take care of your mental health, but it should be seen as a tool for restoration rather than avoidance.  By balancing coziness with movement, connection, and purpose, cozymaxxing can be a sustainable, healthy self-care practice supporting physical and emotional health.

  • CDC Will Study Whether Vaccines Cause Autism Despite Scientific Consensus
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Despite a unanimous scientific consensus, health experts are once again defending the safety of childhood vaccines and so-called autism risk. Sean Locke/Stocksy United The CDC will conduct research to determine if there is any link between childhood vaccinations and autism risk. Health experts have long said there is no substantial scientific evidence to connect vaccines with autism. Various factors may impact autism risk, with genetics being one of the strongest. Childhood vaccinations are generally considered safe and reduce the spread of infectious diseases like measles. Following routine vaccinations helps populations develop “herd immunity” to protect those who can’t receive vaccinations. Despite a unanimous scientific consensus, health experts are once again defending the safety of childhood vaccines and so-called autism risk. Health and Human Services (HHS) officials led by Health Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., recently confirmed that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will investigate whether vaccines cause autism. The public health announcement reignited a longstanding debate over a theory lacking substantial scientific evidence. “As President Trump said in his Joint Address to Congress, the rate of autism in American children has skyrocketed. CDC will leave no stone unturned in its mission to figure out what exactly is happening,” a department statement said. “The American people expect high quality research and transparency and that is what CDC is delivering.” Vaccines are widely regarded as safe and effective. However, vaccine skepticism and hesitancy have contributed to low childhood vaccination rates in the United States. Vaccinations help prevent the spread of infectious diseases while protecting those who can’t receive them. Most health experts agree they do not cause autism. No evidence linking vaccines and autism risk Experts told Healthline there have been multitudes of reputable studies on the topic over the past 20 years, and none have established a definitive link between autism and childhood vaccines. “The scientific community has researched this very thoroughly and there’s no evidence that childhood vaccine cause autism,” said Danelle Fisher, MD, a pediatrician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. “Scientists from around the world have approached this question in several different ways and none has found a relationship,” added Bryan King, MD, vice chair for child psychiatry and a professor in the school of medicine at the University of California San Francisco. “Scientists have also looked at whether different preservatives in vaccines could have an effect and none exists.” Experts reaffirmed the importance of children receiving their scheduled vaccinations to prevent infectious and potentially deadly illnesses like measles from spreading. The growing measles outbreak that began in western Texas in January has been linked to low vaccination rates. “In some ways, we are victims of our success when it comes to vaccines,” King said. “They can be so successful in preventing severe illness and death that we can lose sight of why we need or want to be protected from those potentially devastating diseases. We forget how devastating those diseases are.” King and other experts noted that vaccinating the majority of children can help protect children who can’t receive vaccines because they are undergoing cancer treatment or have compromised immune systems. “We need to cocoon these kids,” said Gina Posner, MD, a pediatrician at MemorialCare Medical Group in Fountain Valley, CA. “It is incumbent upon everyone to be good community members,” added Fisher. Facts about autism Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a broad term used to describe a group of neurodevelopmental conditions. The conditions generally affect communication and social interaction. People on the autism spectrum often demonstrate restricted and repetitive interests or patterns of behavior, and language skills are often delayed in children. The degree to which a person falls on the autism spectrum may vary greatly from person to person. Five subtypes of autism have been identified. Most people are diagnosed with autism as children, but adults are sometimes diagnosed as well. Some symptoms of autism may include: repetitive movements such as rocking or arm flapping lining up objects such as toys in a strict order repeating words and phrases over and over again becoming upset over minor changes in routines delayed movement, language, or cognitive skills excessive worry or stress unusual levels of fear (either higher or lower than expected) hyperactive, inattentive, or impulsive behaviors unexpected emotional reactions unusual eating habits or preferences unusual sleep patterns self-stimulating behaviors, known as “stimming“ Experts say early intervention when children are young can help ease symptoms and help autistic people improve their quality of life. “Early intervention is amazing,” Posner told Healthline. Some early intervention therapies for autism may include: discrete trial training to encourage step-by-step learning early intensive behavior intervention with one-on-one therapy sessions that help children under 5 verbal behavioral interventions positive behavior support cognitive behavioral therapy social skills training sensory integration therapy occupational therapy speech therapy medication (i.e., antipsychotics, antidepressants, or stimulants) How prevalent is autism? President Donald Trump and HHS Secretary RFK Jr. have quoted figures saying autism rates in the U.S. have skyrocketed from 1 in 10,000 children in 2000 to 1 in 36 children today. The 1 in 10,000 number appears to come from a single study in the 1960s. The CDC reports that autism rates have more likely increased from 1 in 150 children in 2000 to 1 in 36 today. The agency also notes that an autism diagnosis is four times more common in boys than it is in girls. Experts note they believe the increase in autism rates in the past two decades is due to better diagnosis of the condition. King points out that vaccination rates have not increased in the past 10 years while the rate of autism diagnoses has gone up. “The rate of autism is as much as it’s always been. Now, it’s just identified better,” Fisher told Healthline. “A lot of it is we are better at diagnosing,” added Posner. King added that “the definition of autism now includes a broader spectrum, which may partially explain the increase in prevalence over earlier estimates.” Possible causes of autism If vaccines don’t cause autism, then what does? Experts say there are probably a multitude of factors behind the development of autism, but they say the number one reason is most likely genetics, noting that autism tends to be more common in some families than in others. In 2023, researchers reported they had identified seven genes linked to an increased risk of autism. When introducing their research results, they also noted that prior research has estimated that 50% of genetic risk can be predicted by common genetic variation, and another 15% to 20% is due to spontaneous mutations or predictable inheritance patterns. “None of the hundreds of genes that contribute to the risk for autism is specific, that is, that a so-called autism gene always or only leads to autism,” King told Healthline.  “But these genes disrupt the usual development or function of pathways in the brain in ways that significantly increase autism risk. The timing of these effects begins before birth, so as scientists look for causes of autism, the focus is on genes or environmental exposures that occur long before children are receiving immunizations,” he added. Experts said that children of older parents tend to have higher autism risks due to the aging of sperm and eggs. A 2020 study determined that children born to older parents have a 50% higher risk of autism. Posner added there is also evidence that premature infants have higher autism risks, as do children born to mothers with gestational diabetes. “You can’t specifically point to one cause,” said Fisher. “No two autistic kids are the same.” Takeaway Officials at the CDC announced they will study whether childhood vaccines are a potential cause of autism. Experts say there have been a multitude of scientific studies done on this subject over the past 20 years, and none have concluded that vaccinations are linked to autism risk. Genetics is likely a top factor for autism risk. Children born to older parents, as well as those born prematurely or to mothers with gestational diabetes, may also have higher risks. Children should continue to follow their recommended immunization schedules to prevent the spread of disease as well as to protect children who can’t receive vaccines.

  • Treating Males for Bacterial Vaginosis May Reduce Recurrence in Females
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is not classified as a sexually transmitted infection, but the results of a new study could change that. ljubaphoto/Getty Images New research suggests a common vaginal infection may actually be a sexually transmitted infection. Researchers say bacterial vaginosis (BV) also occurs in males despite being often viewed as a condition affecting only females. Treatments for BV, which has a high recurrence rate, should include treating the other sexual partner. The study found that treating both partners for the infection significantly lowered the recurrence rate. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a common vaginal infection affecting nearly 1 in 3 females globally with strong recurrence rates. While the emphasis on treatment has focused on females, a new study suggests that sexual partners should also be treated for the condition that researchers say fits the profile of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). BV infection may develop following exposure to a new sexual partner without a condom or other barrier method. Reinfection or recurrence following treatment is associated with exposure to a regular sexual partner. During sexual intercourse, bacterial vaginosis-associated organisms are exchanged between partners, the researchers found. When female and male sexual partners were treated for BV, recurrence rates were lower. Females received first-line antimicrobial agents, and males were administered combined oral and topical antimicrobial therapy. Researchers say this combination therapy contributed to the lower BV recurrence rates in females within 12 weeks. These findings suggest that including male partners in treatment for BV could improve treatment success and potentially lead to a cure. The study was published on March 5 in The New England Journal of Medicine. “Clinicians and researchers with similar views have undertaken partner treatment trials in the past, but none failed to reduce recurrence or improve BV cure for women,” said study co-author Catriona Bradshaw, PhD, of the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health at the University of Melbourne, Australia. “This was in part due to trial limitations, but we also believe this may be because they all used oral antibiotics for men only,” Bradshaw told Healthline. Treating male partners reduced BV recurrence Although BV is both treatable and curable, around 50% of females experience recurrence within six months after antibiotic treatment, which may raise the risk of obstetric complications down the road. When there is a regular sexual partner, the risk of BV recurrence increases three-fold. Experts haven’t considered BV an STI because the bacteria typically originates from within versus sexual transmission. However, as the new study points out, this isn’t always true. Prior research has shown that men carry bacterial species linked to BV in the urethra and penis. To show that BV fits the profile of an STI, researchers collected a body of evidence that Bradshaw described as a journey 20 years in the making. The randomized controlled trial involved 164 heterosexual monogamous couples in which the female had bacterial vaginosis.  The partner-treatment group involved 81 couples. Female partners received first-line antimicrobial treatment, and male partners received combined oral and topical antimicrobial therapy (metronidazole 400-milligram tablets and 2% clindamycin cream applied to penile skin) twice daily for 7 days.  “We believed it was important to try and target the bacteria on the penile skin with a topical antibiotic cream as well as inside the urethra with an oral antibiotic,” Bradshaw explained. “This had never been done before.” The control group had 83 couples, in which females received the same standard of care and males received no treatment. The primary outcome was BV recurrence within 12 weeks.  The trial was stopped at the 12-week follow-up mark because the female-only treatment was inferior to treating both partners. In the both-partner treatment group, BV recurrence occurred in 35% of females compared to a 63% recurrence rate among females in the control group.  Adverse events in male partners receiving treatment were mild and included:  nausea headache metallic taste “We are relieved that this treatment strategy has been so effective,” Bradshaw said.  “It enables us to understand that reinfection of women with BV bacteria from men is responsible for a large proportion of BV recurrence in women. The treatment is easy and well tolerated and only needs to be taken for a week.” Improving bacterial vaginosis testing and treatment Bradshaw noted that more studies in diverse populations and settings are needed to confirm the findings. For instance, Bradshaw would like to further investigate what may be causing BV treatment failures and driving high recurrence rates.  She’s also curious why BV persisted among a smaller group of females who still had the infection after finishing their antibiotics even though they had not resumed sex, she explained. Still, these findings could eventually pave the way for improved BV treatments involving both partners. “Our program of research is focused on analyzing the samples from couples to understand if there are specific BV bacteria in men that are causing BV recurrence in women, which would help us develop better tests for BV, including something that has not been done before — a test for men,” Bradshaw said. “We do hope that this trial helps clinicians individualize BV treatment for their patients. This trial is relevant to women in a current monogamous relationship with a male, but for women without a current partner, messaging needs to be more around treating them and understanding that condoms provide some protection against catching BV as they do for many STIs.” To help increase awareness about treating BV as an STI, the researchers produced a website with resources for healthcare professionals, patients, and their male partners. What to know about bacterial vaginosis ​​Bacterial vaginosis (BV) develops when there is a disruption to the balance of bacteria in the vagina, which leads to an overgrowth of certain bacteria.  BV causes uncomfortable symptoms such as: Unusual vaginal discharge that may appear thin, gray, white, or green Fishy odor that may intensify after sexual intercourse Vaginal itching or irritation Burning sensation while urinating Some individuals with BV may not experience any symptoms, which means regular gynecological visits are important for detection. How is BV treated? First-line treatments for bacterial vaginosis usually include antibiotics that can be taken orally, or that may come in the form of a vaginal gel or suppository. These include: Antibiotics (oral or vaginal)  Vaginal pessaries (inserts) Medicated vaginal gels Managing recurrent BV When BV persists after first-line treatments, other approaches may include: Longer course of antibiotics Preventive habits (i.e., avoiding scented menstrual products, changing out of tight or sweaty clothes, and wearing breathable cotton underwear) Changes to sexual habits (i.e., limiting sexual partners and using latex condoms or other barrier methods during sexual intercourse) When to seek medical care Contact a healthcare professional if you experience: Unusual vaginal discharge with odor Persistent vaginal irritation or discomfort Symptoms that return after first-line treatment Concerns about infection Takeaway Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is not classified as a sexually transmitted infection, but the results of a new study could change that. Evidence shows that BV occurs in males, and researchers at the University of Melbourne say that treating both partners could help lower high infection recurrence rates in females. More studies in larger, diverse groups are needed to confirm these findings and better understand why some people with BV continue to resist treatment.

  • Adding 2,500 Daily Steps May Improve Heart Health In Female Cancer Survivors
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Moderate daily exercise significantly reduced the risk of death from cardiovascular disease among female cancer survivors, a new study found SolStock/Getty Images Among older female cancer survivors, moderate daily exercise significantly reduced the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Cancer survivors are statistically more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. Reducing sedentary time and increasing activity can be easily integrated into daily life to lower cardiovascular disease risk. Staying active and limiting sedentary time is essential to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), but little research exists to show its effects in older female cancer survivors. Now, researchers have found compelling evidence that getting more daily physical activity has a robust protective effect on heart health for this group. Moderate daily exercise — through exercise sessions or hitting daily step goals from walking — significantly reduced the risk of death from cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal cancer survivors. The preliminary research was presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention | Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Sessions 2025 March 6–9, and has not yet been peer-reviewed or published. In another promising development from the study, researchers found that exercising at levels below current recommendations showed significant benefits, underscoring that every little bit counts when it comes to exercise. The findings are essential for the long-term health of cancer survivors, who are at increased risk of CVD compared to other adults. “While health benefits were maximized at 60 min [per] day of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and around 5,000–6,000 steps/day, there were substantial health benefits evident at amounts below these levels,” Eric Hyde, PhD, MPH, a research analyst at the University of California, San Diego, and presenter of the research, told Healthline. “Encouraging cancer survivors to sit less and take more steps may help promote long-term survival.” Moderate exercise reduced death risk from CVD by 60% Hyde and his team utilized accelerometer data from nearly 2,500 female cancer survivors to see how daily exercise affected all-cause and CVD-related mortality risk. That data resulted from two studies conducted between 2011 and 2015 and an additional four years of follow-up, collectively known as the Women’s Health Accelerometry Collaboration. The females involved in those studies were between the ages of 63 and 99, with an average age of 74. They wore a fitness tracker for at least 10 hours per day for up to one week. The device recorded bouts of exercise, step count, and sedentary behavior.  The cohort experienced different forms of cancer, the most prominent of which were breast (52%), endometrial (8.5%), and malignant melanoma (7.1%). Other cancers included: lung bladder ovarian rectal bladder colon myeloma kidney head and neck When Hyde examined the association between physical activity data from the exercise trackers and mortality, those who exercised or walked more had significantly better health outcomes. Engaging in one hour per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity lowered the risk of death by 40% and the risk of death linked to CVD by 60%. CDC guidelines and the AHA recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity weekly. If you count your physical activity in steps rather than time spent exercising, the greatest benefit was seen in participants who clocked 5,000-6,000 steps per day, lowering the risk of death by 40%. Note this is well below the more commonly touted 10,000 steps per day, a myth that’s been somewhat debunked since the optimal number may depend on your age. However, the study did find additional benefits of more walking: each additional 2,500 steps per day was associated with a 34% further reduction in the risk of death from CVD. On the other hand, sedentary behavior was linked to worse health outcomes. For every 102 minutes of sitting per day, participants’ risk of death from all causes increased by 12%, while the risk of CVD-related death jumped by 30%. “In the past, clinicians used to advise cancer patients to rest and avoid activity when possible,” Hyde said. “However, the evidence is now clear that those with a history of cancer can greatly benefit from being more physically active. There needs to be increased awareness of the importance of moving more and sitting less among cancer survivors.” Exercising more, sitting less at any age Keith Diaz, PhD, an associate professor of behavioral medicine at Columbia University Medical Center and member of the AHA’s Physical Activity Science Committee, not involved in the study, told Healthline that prioritizing health and time management is essential for hitting your daily activity goals. “We work, we care for kids, we upkeep our living spaces. Yet some find the time for exercise and others don’t, said Diaz. “Instead of thinking of exercise as a structured activity that requires a dedicated time slot, it can help to integrate movement into the daily rhythms of your life.” Diaz recommended various strategies that can help integrate more activity and less sitting into your daily routine. They include: “Walk and talk.” Any time you’re on the phone, get some steps in rather than sitting down. Link exercise to existing habits like meals or entertainment. When you finish your lunch or your favorite Netflix show, take a 5-minute walk afterward. Try to squeeze in some movement whenever you can rather than fixating on a single exercise.  Eleanor Levin, MD, a clinical professor of cardiovascular medicine at Stanford Medicine, recommended exercising with a social group, such as a walking club, to stay motivated. Levin wasn’t involved in the new research. Fatigue is a common problem for cancer survivors, so while exercise may seem even more strenuous to begin with, it will help to relieve this common symptom in the long run.  “Paradoxically, regular physical activity is one of the most effective ways to increase energy levels. Even small amounts of exercise can create a positive feedback loop — where exercise improves conditioning, reduces fatigue, and makes future physical activity feel easier,” said Diaz. Takeaway Among postmenopausal female cancer survivors, one hour of moderate exercise or 5,000 steps per day significantly reduced the risk of death from all causes and cardiovascular disease, new research shows. On the other hand, every 102 minutes spent sitting per day was associated with a 30% increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease. When it comes to exercise, every bit counts. Benefits have been identified even when exercising less than current guideline recommendations.

  • Vaping Not Effective for Smoking Cessation. Here's What Will Help Instead
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    New research found that people who vape and smoke cigarettes are less likely to quit than people who only smoke cigarettes. Lucy Lambriex/Getty Images Vaping does not help most people quit smoking cigarettes, according to a new study. People who vape and smoke cigarettes are far less likely to leave nicotine behind than people who only smoke cigarettes. While the long-term health effects are unclear, vaping introduces harmful substances into the lungs, promoting inflammation and irritation. Vaping nicotine is also addictive. Among the most successful ways to quit vaping and smoking are quitlines and nicotine replacement therapy. Smoking nicotine-based e-cigarettes has become a widespread alternative to cigarette smoking. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 11% of adults in the United States ages 18 to 24 were regularly vaping in 2021. Of all U.S. adults over 18, the percentage was about 4.5%. When compared to older adults, those ages 18 to 44 were more likely to both vape e-cigarettes and smoke traditional cigarettes, the CDC found. Given the recent rise of the e-cigarette industry, the long-term health effects of vaping remain unknown.  Many people may believe that vaping can help curb their cigarette smoking habit, but new research suggests this may not be the case. A study published on March 5 in JAMA Network Open found that people who both vape and smoke are more likely to increase their nicotine dependence. Quit rates nearly 15% lower among people who vaped daily Researchers from the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science and Moores Cancer Center at the University of California San Diego conducted the cohort study. The study included 6,013 U.S. cigarette smokers, comparing people who smoked with people who also vaped. For people who vaped on a non-daily basis, the rate at which people were able to quit smoking was 5.3% lower than it was among smokers who did not vape. For people who vaped daily, the quitting rate was the same as for those who did not vape. Among those who vaped daily, the rate at which people stopped using both e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes was 14.7% lower than people who did not vape at all. For those who did not vape daily, the quitting rate was 7.2% lower than it was for people who smoked and did not vape at all. These findings suggest that vaping doesn’t help people transition from cigarettes. Health risks associated with vaping As indicated by the new study’s findings, vaping is at least as addictive as cigarette smoking. When a person vapes, aerosolized e-liquid or “vape juice” is released into the lungs. When this mixture of nicotine, flavorings, propylene glycol, and other substances enter the lungs, inflammation and irritation may occur. E-liquids may also contain random heavy metals such as tin, lead, nickel, cadmium, and chemicals, including acetaldehyde and formaldehyde. Vaping mist carries tiny particles of these foreign materials into the lungs, which can become embedded in lung tissue. While the long-term effects of vaping are not well understood, there are already several areas of concern about the potential health impacts. In addition, some research suggests vaping may be a driver of cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). “There have been cases of vaping associated with lung injury and respiratory failure,” Jimmy Johannes, MD, pulmonologist and critical care medicine specialist at Memorial Care Long Beach Medical Center in Long Beach, CA, told Healthline. Johannes wasn’t involved in the new study. “There is also a potential risk that some vaping products may have adulterants,” he told Healthline. Such substances may include vitamin E acetate, which has been associated with lung injuries, and bacterial and fungal products. Quitlines may help with smoking, vaping cessation Although cigarette smoking is on the decline, vaping’s popularity remains strong. With so many people vaping, identifying promising strategies for helping people leave e-cigarettes behind has become a priority. Research funded by the American Heart Association (AHA) and published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that “quitlines” are highly effective at helping people achieve vaping cessation. The large randomized trial found that 45%, or nearly half, of all participants, had quit vaping and continued to be abstinent three months beyond the conclusion of the trial. A quitline is a phone number one can call for live support when attempting to quit vaping. In the case of the AHA study, quitlines provided various combinations of: coaching nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) shipped to the caller mHealth, text-based links to quit resources such as videos, podcasts, and online educational materials. NRT may consist of several substitutes for nicotine, including lozenges, nicotine patches, inhalers, gum, and sprays. One advantage of NRTs supplied by quitlines is that these often expensive items may be provided to the caller for free. “NRT is a great tool to help patients quit smoking,” said Ozan Toy, MD, MPH, of Telapsychiatry. Toy wasn’t involved in the new study. “You are essentially replacing the most addictive component of cigarettes, which is the nicotine, but avoiding the toxic chemicals that people are exposed to through smoking,” Toy said. He told Healthline that NRT gum or patches in conjunction with medication like varenicline can help break a vaping or smoking habit. Alison Tarlow, PsyD, chief clinical officer at Boca Recovery Center, FL, explained how switching to e-cigarettes increased her consumption of nicotine. She described there being more “social acceptance” of vaping compared to smoking. Tarlow was likewise not involved in the study. Tarlow shared she finally quit vaping by switching from nicotine to a strawberry-kiwi e-cigarette. She found satisfaction in the act of vaping but did not crave the e-cigarette and eventually fell out of the habit altogether. Ready to quit? Here are some resources Quitlines can be a highly effective way to help with smoking or vaping cessation. You can call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit the following resources online: We Are Truth Become an Ex Live Vape Free Quit For Life Takeaway Recent research finds that vaping nicotine is not an effective way to quit smoking cigarettes. People who vape and smoke cigarettes are less likely to quit than people who only smoke cigarettes. Vaping itself promotes nicotine dependency, and is associated with various potential health hazards, though the long-term health effects of vaping are still unknown.

  • Chronic Stress Linked to Higher Stroke Risk In Young Adults, Especially Females
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    A new study found that moderate stress levels were associated with a 78% increased risk of stroke in female participants, but not in males. ozgurcankaya/Getty Images Stress is considered a modifiable risk factor for stroke. A new study found that stress may have a more significant impact on stroke risk in females than in males. Females were more likely to report higher perceived stress than males, raising concerns about the unique stressors many women may face. Chronic stress is a common risk factor for stroke, but may not affect everyone the same way. Stress is inherently subjective. For some people, stress could be caused by an important work deadline, while for others, it could arise from financial strain or family problems. When stress builds up over time, it becomes chronic stress, which is associated with a host of health problems, from high blood pressure to headaches, and even stroke.  New research published on March 5 in Neurology suggests that stress is not only a significant risk factor for stroke, but it appears higher for females than males. The study builds on evidence showing how stress plays a role in stroke risk but also raises important questions about its effects on females compared to males. Female participants in the study reported higher levels of stress, while stress was also more strongly correlated with stroke risk than males. “This study highlights the importance of recognizing that there are significant gender differences that affect stroke risk throughout life,” Christina Mijalski Sells, MD, a clinical associate professor of neurology and neurological Sciences at Stanford Medicine who wasn’t affiliated with the study, told Healthline. Stress linked to 78% higher stroke risk in young women To better understand the association between stroke and stress, researchers from Helsinki University Hospital in Finland took a granular approach by studying stress type, frequency, and intensity. The study included 426 patients who had experienced a cryptogenic ischemic stroke (CIS), a type of stroke in which blood flow is cut off part of the brain, but the cause is unknown. Those patients were matched with a control group of 426 individuals by age and sex who had not had a stroke. The participants were younger (18 to 49 years old), with an average age of 41. The group was also almost evenly split, with more males than females (47.7%). All participants completed a questionnaire to self-assess their stress levels using a validated survey known as the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Using the PSS, participants received a numerical score for their stress levels: 0–13 (low stress), 14–26 (moderate), and 27–40 (high).  Researchers also collected information related to traditional stroke risk such as education level, smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity. Those who had experienced a stroke reported higher average stress scores (13) compared to the control group (10). Around 46% of stroke survivors reported moderate-to-high stress levels compared to 33% of those who did not have a stroke. When researchers controlled for traditional stroke risk factors, a stark contrast emerged between how stress affected males versus females. For females, moderate stress was associated with a 78% increased risk of stroke, while high stress was associated with a 6% increased risk of stroke. There was no observable increase in stroke risk among males. “To my knowledge, this is the first time this has really been shown: that maybe stress itself can be another factor that lessens the protection that females normally have for cardiovascular disease,” Sarah Lindsey, PhD, an associate professor of pharmacology at Tulane University School of Medicine, told Healthline. Lindsey wasn’t affiliated with the study. However, while these findings suggest higher stress-related stroke risk among females, the findings are an association and do not imply causation. “More research is needed to understand why women who feel stressed, but not men, may have a higher risk of stroke,” Nicolas Martinez-Majander, MD, PhD, of the Helsinki University Hospital in Finland, said in a news release. “In addition, we need to further explore why the risk of stroke in women was higher for moderate stress than high stress. Knowing more about how stress plays a role could help us to create better ways to prevent these strokes.” Are women more prone to stress? The study raises several important questions about the unique effects stress may have on females and illuminates social factors that may contribute to higher rates of stress. “As a society there’s increased recognition now of the stress on women who are often the primary parents and potentially balancing multiple roles and responsibilities between work home and family,” Mijalski Sells said. “Oftentimes women are the default primary parent. As we move to two-income households being more common, they may still be carrying all of that burden from home and child care, in addition to also balancing that full-time work,” she emphasized. However, she noted that the study only scratches the surface of these social factors. Other important factors such as race, type of work, and whether there are children in the home were not included but are potential contributors to stress. In addition, because the study findings are an association, it is not understood why moderate stress had a higher association with stroke risk compared to high stress. Lastly, the study authors evaluated stress levels after participants had already experienced a stroke. The authors asked subjects about their stress levels before their stroke, which could influence the results. Be that as it may, the number of participants who reported high stress was significantly smaller than those reporting moderate levels, effectively making it an outlier. “That analysis probably isn’t worth doing because there were not very many patients that reported the high-stress category. So, with the small numbers there, I don’t know that we can really draw many conclusions from that,” Carolyn Cronin, MD, PhD, Division Chief of Neurology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told Healthline. Takeaway Stress is an important stroke risk factor that may affect females differently than males. In a new study, females reported higher average stress levels than males. Stress was also a significant stroke risk factor for females, but not males, after controlling for traditional stroke risk factors. Researchers found that moderate stress levels were associated with a 78% increased risk of stroke in female participants. While these findings are not fully understood, experts noted many females experience unique stressors compared to males, which could contribute to higher stress levels.

  • Why RFK Jr.’s Strategies for Containing Measles Outbreaks Have Experts Concerned
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    Health experts have raised concerns about HHS Health Secretary RFK Jr.’s strategies for containing measles outbreaks in Texas and other parts of the U.S. RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AFP via Getty Images HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has recommended alternative treatment and prevention methods amid a growing measles outbreak in 11 states and New York City. Kennedy has not explicitly recommended the measles vaccine but supports the use of alternative treatments like vitamin A and cod liver oil. The CDC says vitamin A can help treat measles but reaffirms the importance of vaccination. Measles can cause vitamin A deficiency in some people, but experts say supplementation only eases that condition and doesn’t treat other symptoms. Most health experts agree the best way to prevent serious illness from measles is to be vaccinated. Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s anti-vaccine leadership has sparked concern amid rising measles cases in western Texas and other parts of the country. Some of Kennedy’s proposed strategies for containing these outbreaks lean into pseudoscience and alternative treatment and prevention methods. The Health Secretary has attributed measles to poor diet and health. As of March 6, the CDC reported 222 measles outbreaks in 11 states and in New York City. More than 80% of those cases were in people 19 years of age and younger. Around 5% of the cases involve people known to be vaccinated. Around 20% of cases required hospitalization. One death has been reported. Kennedy recently described the outbreak in Texas as a “call to action,” suggesting that parents should consult with doctors about getting their children vaccinated, but fell short of recommending the shot. Kennedy has also said that vitamin A and substances high in vitamin A, such as cod liver oil, have shown “good results” in helping treat measles. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) touts vitamin A as a potential treatment for measles, the agency reasserts that “vaccination remains the best defense against measles infection.” “Measles does not have a specific antiviral treatment. Supportive care, including vitamin A administration under the direction of a physician, may be appropriate,” a recent CDC advisory says. Still, the vitamin A recommendation has some experts concerned, particularly as low vaccination rates drive the outbreaks. People with measles can develop vitamin A deficiency, but supplementing with vitamin A cannot prevent measles and does not reduce the disease’s more serious symptoms. “Vitamin A alone cannot prevent measles. Prevention of measles requires vaccination,” said William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease expert and professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University. Can vitamin A treat measles? The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends vitamin A supplementation to help some people with measles. Experts explain that measles can produce vitamin A deficiency and supplementation can help ease that condition. “Vitamin A has an important role in supporting effective immune function,” Schaffner told Healthline. “Careful supplementation of vitamin A is a recommended part of the treatment plan of children with measles, particularly those children who require hospitalization. Measles can deplete the body’s stores of vitamin A. Low vitamin A levels can predispose to more severe measles complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis.” Schaffner and other experts, however, are quick to point out the limitations of vitamin A therapy. Fisher noted that not everyone who develops measles has vitamin A deficiency. She added that Vitamin A does not help ease other symptoms such as rashes, high fever, and cough. “It’s important to understand when and how to use vitamin A in these circumstances,” she told Healthline. “[Vitamin A] is something that a doctor can potentially give you if you have measles and are hospitalized, but it is not a treatment,” added Gina Posner, MD, a pediatrician at MemorialCare Medical Group in Fountain Valley, CA. “The treatment is only supportive. That is why prevention is so important.” Experts also expressed concern that the CDC advisory may prompt parents to forgo vaccinations for their children, figuring they can give them vitamin A if they contract measles. “I am very concerned [about this],” Posner told Healthline. “People are always looking for ‘natural’ alternatives when the reality is that the best form of prevention for measles is getting the vaccine.” “I am concerned that some parents have elected to decline vaccination, instead giving their children vitamin A supplements,” added Schaffner.  “This is a misunderstanding of the role of vitamin A. Further, chronic administration of vitamin A can lead to overdosing as the body can retain excess amounts of vitamin A, resulting in hypervitaminosis A, which causes nausea, vomiting, liver dysfunction, and other abnormalities.” Anne Liu, a specialist in infectious diseases and a clinical associate professor in pediatric immunology and allergies at Stanford University in California, has a blunt message for parents. “Parents and caregivers, please know that there is no effective treatment for measles, but there is a very effective way of preventing measles, which is measles vaccination in children deemed safe for vaccination by their pediatricians,” she told Healthline. Fisher said the situation is similar to what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic when people didn’t get vaccinated because they were led to believe they could treat that contagious disease with certain unproven medications. “What has proven to be helpful with measles is to get vaccinated,” she said. Why ‘measles parties’ are a bad idea Experts have expressed concerns from some Texas health officials about reports of people organizing “measles parties” to expose children to the disease so they can build immunity to it. “This is unbelievably dangerous,” said Danelle Fisher, MD, a pediatrician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. “They are playing roulette with their kids’ lives.” Before the chickenpox vaccine was introduced in 1995, some parents organized “chickenpox parties” to expose children without the illness to other children who did have the disease. The idea was to allow children to contract chickenpox in a controlled environment and build immunity. At the time, health officials recommended against these parties, noting that chickenpox can sometimes produce serious complications. Now, health officials in Texas are finding it necessary to issue warnings to parents against hosting “measles parties” in an effort to expose children to that disease. There haven’t been any reports of actual measles parties, but Texas officials say there has been “social media talk” about such gatherings. “We can’t predict who is going to do poorly with measles, being hospitalized, potentially get pneumonia or encephalitis, or potentially pass away from this,” Ron Cook, DO, the chief health officer for the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock, said at a press conference. “It’s a foolish thing to go have measles parties.” Experts who spoke with Healthline couldn’t agree more. “Measles is very dangerous. Even if you don’t die of it, it can cause permanent disability. The risk of getting the vaccine is infinitely lower than getting the actual disease,” said Posner. Liu also notes the potential long-term effects of measles. “Aside from the risk of brain inflammation from an active infection, there are risks that stick with kids even after the infection has resolved,” she said. “Measles virus has a very scary ability to wipe out part of a child’s immune memory from prior infections. That effect leaves children who have recovered from measles with a hole in their immunity, and they are again vulnerable to a variety of other infections.” Other experts point out the community-wide impact of spreading measles. “Nothing could be more dangerous than to invite a scourge into your community,” said Fisher. “I agree strongly with the warning against having ‘measles parties’ with the intention of exposing children to the measles virus. Measles and its complications can be very severe,” noted Schaffner. “If parties are held, they should be ‘measles vaccination parties.’” What to know about measles Measles is one of the most contagious diseases in the world. Up to 90% of people exposed to the virus will contract the disease. A person with measles can quickly spread the virus to more than 10 people. In the United States, 285 measles cases were reported in 2024, the most in five years. Before the measles vaccine became widely available in the mid-1950s, the disease caused more than 3 million illnesses per year in the U.S., with 48,000 hospitalizations and 500 deaths annually. The CDC recommends that all children receive two doses of the MMR vaccine, with the first dose given between 12 months and 15 months of age and the second dose between 4 years and 6 years of age. The virus is transmitted through the air or by direct contact with a surface that has droplets that contain the virus. The virus can remain alive in the air or on surfaces for up to 2 hours. Symptoms will usually appear within 14 days. Those symptoms include: widespread skin rash high fever cough sore throat About 30% of measles cases lead to some form of complication, the most common being ear infections and diarrhea. Serious complications are rare, but they include: pneumonia encephalitis subacute sclerosing panencephalitis Treatments for measles include administering a vaccine within 72 hours of exposure and a dose of immune proteins called immunoglobulin within 6 days of exposure. Over-the-counter medications can also help ease symptoms. Drinking a lot of fluids and getting plenty of rest are also recommended. Takeaway Health experts have raised concerns about RFK Jr.’s strategies to contain measles outbreaks in 11 states in New York City. A recent CDC advisory mentioned that vitamin A supplements can be a therapy for measles but reaffirmed the importance of vaccination. Experts note that measles can cause vitamin A deficiency in some people. However, they caution that these supplements cannot treat other symptoms or complications that arise from the disease. The experts also expressed alarm over reports that some people on social media are discussing the organization of “measles parties” to expose children to the disease so they can build immunity to it. They say the best prevention against measles and its potentially serious consequences is to be vaccinated against the disease.

  • More Evidence Shows HPV Shot Helps Prevent Cervical Cancer: CDC Report
    on March 29, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that affects both females and males and is linked to higher risks of various forms of cancer. SrdjanPav/Getty Images A recent CDC report builds on existing evidence showing the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine for preventing cervical cancer. While HPV is commonly associated with females, it also affects males who transmit the disease and may face increased cancer risks. Both young males and females should be vaccinated against HPV to prevent various cancer types, starting around age 11 or 12 in most cases. A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reasserts the HPV vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing cervical cancer in young females. The February 27 report builds on existing evidence supporting the immunization against HPV, or human papillomavirus, which is commonly spread through sexual activity. From 2008 to 2022, cervical cancer screenings showed an 80% decrease in rates of precancerous lesions among females ages 20 to 24, the report found.  While many HPV cases cause little to no symptoms and resolve without intervention, some may lead to cervical cancer in females and other forms of cancer in males.  The CDC estimates around 37,800 cancer cases are caused by HPV each year in the United States. Cervical cancer continues to be a leading cause of cancer death among females in many countries. Most health experts advise the HPV vaccine for young females to safeguard against cervical cancer. The shot is also recommended for young males who carry and transmit the disease and face other cancer risks. The current standard clashes with Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has said the HPV vaccine is “dangerous.”  “There is a general lack of awareness of HPV as a long-term cancer risk factor and misperceptions of how the infection is spread,” said Electra Paskett, PhD, a professor of epidemiology at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. Paskett wasn’t involved in the CDC report.  “This puts a lot of people at unnecessary risk, and the HPV vaccine is a way to reduce long-term cancer risk,” she told Healthline. HPV vaccination prevents 90% of cervical cancers The CDC estimates that HPV affects around 42 million adults in the U.S. Vaccination against HPV could prevent 90% of cervical cancers, but not all children and young adults get vaccinated against this sexually transmitted infection. Recent CDC data show that 76.8% of adolescents received at least one dose of the HPV vaccine, and 61.4% are considered up to date with their shots. Since 2006, the HPV vaccine has been recommended for young females ages 11 or 12 but may be available for some children as early as age 9. The same recommendation for young males followed in 2011.  Older adolescents and females up to age 26 may receive the shot if they had not been previously vaccinated against HPV. Some adults may qualify for the vaccine up to age 45. Paskett explained the vaccine is most effective if administered before potential exposures can occur through sexual contact (i.e., saliva or ejaculatory fluids).  “Vaccination in adulthood should be a shared decision making conversation between the individual and [their] primary care physician,” Pasket said.  “The vaccine… is a powerful tool for cancer prevention that has only been available to us in the past few decades. We are seeing the impact of those vaccines now through the scientific data,” she noted. Common misconceptions about HPV Most adults — males and females — will be exposed to HPV at some point in their lifetimes. Still, a common misconception about HPV is that it only affects women, and therefore, only females need to be vaccinated, Paskett said.  “Contrary to the public’s perception that HPV is only liked to cervical cancer, the virus is also linked to rising rates of base of tongue [and] throat cancer, [and] penile and anal cancers,” she said.  “It takes two to spread the disease. There is a test to screen for HPV as part of the annual women’s health screening, but it is not available to boys and men. If a person is not aware of their HPV status, they could unknowingly spread the virus to their partner.”   Paskett explained that the body’s natural immune system “sheds” the virus in most cases. Higher-risk HPV strains, however, can live silently in the body for many years without symptoms, which could lead to cancer later in life, she said. “Many people believe that high risk HPV has symptoms when, in reality, the virus often does not cause symptoms until it has developed into cancer,” Paskett said.  “There are thousands of strains of HPV — high risk HPV strains are the type linked to cancer. These are not the HPV strains that cause cold sores or genital herpes,” she explained.   Screening guidelines for cervical cancer In the U.S., where regular screening for cervical cancer is a common practice, mortality rates have decreased by 70% since the 1950s.  In December 2024, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (UPSTF) released a new recommendation using three screening methods for cervical cancer to help detect early signs of the disease. These include: HPV tests pap tests (cytology) co-testing (Pap and HPV) Starting at age 30, UPSTF now recommends self-collected HPV tests for cervical cancer screening. According to UPSTF, self-collection methods are just as effective as those obtained by a clinician, which could further increase cervical cancer screening rates. Takeaway A recent CDC report further demonstrates the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine against cervical cancer. HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that affects both females and males and is linked to higher risks of various forms of cancer. Young males and females should receive the HPV vaccine beginning at age 11 or 12.

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