Philip continues to have some adverse reactions to the medication. We are told that his body will become used to the medication and the symptoms will vanish. They have put the percent of medication administered down, with the intent of moving it up as his body is better adjusted. I really hate the fact that he is in pain, but this is just a part of process he has to go through for transplant. The doctors and nurses are all very sensitive to his discomfort; however, the target goal remains the same.

After a good nights sleep, I have changed my mind about asking for a nurse to come to the house everyday. I thought it was too much pressure to put on myself. The thing is, I don’t know who they would send to the house, and I am sure it would not be the same person everyday. The fact is I am the one who will be the most careful and consistent. This is a direct line very close to his heart. The sterility of everything and the dosage must be closely monitored. I know I will be very careful and do a good job. Shelly, my husband and my dear friend Lorrie will be trained as back-ups.


  1. Okay! You know best about these things. HaShem will help you!

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